Learn more about our news and special events, both here at the marina or out and about on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.

Understanding the Marine Weather Forecast

What Does the Marine Weather Forecast Tell You?

A marine weather forecast is so important for yachters and boaters (and their guests) to understand. 

As all boaters know, a sudden change in weather patterns can not just interrupt a day at sea, but it can put your vessel and your guests in danger. Knowing how to interpret the marine weather forecast, both before you set sail and while you are on the water, is vital to avoiding any potentially hazardous weather situations.

Marine Weather Forecasts are different to general weather forecasts, as the predictions include wind and wave information. This information can help you decide if it is safe to set out on your planned boating trip.

What is the Marine Weather Forecast?


In Canada, the Marine Weather Forecast is published by Environment Canada, using observations from ships, weather satellites, weather buoys and lighthouses.

There are three main forecast bulletins issued by Environment Canada, covering a five-day period, which are updated multiple times each day.

  • Regular Marine Forecast

This forecast is for the coming 48 hours and includes information about:

  • Wind speed in knots
  • Wind direction
  • Weather conditions
  • Precipitation
  • Visibility (included if less than 1 nautical mile)
  • Moderate or severe freezing spray expectations
  • Air temperatures if below 0oC
  • Extended Marine Forecast

This forecast is issued for days 3 to 5 and is intended for long term planning purposes. The extended forecast only details anticipated wind conditions.

  • Wave Height Forecast

Issued for the coming 48-hour period, this forecast details the anticipated wave height in meters or whether waters are covered in ice.

Additional information is also published as:

  • Technical Marine Synopses: Gives a brief overview of the main weather systems in the area.
  • Marine Weather Statement: Used in support of the regular marine forecast to provide more detail when significant or hazardous conditions or weather warnings are predicted.

Localized warnings and watches are also issued if one of the following significant conditions is expected:

  • Tornado
  • Gale
  • Squall (Gusts of 34 knots or higher plus thunder)
  • Waterspout
  • High water levels

As well as being found on the Environment Canada website, marine weather forecasts are also continuously broadcast on VHF radio channel 16 by the Canadian Coast guard.

How to Use the Marine Forecast to Determine if it is Safe to Sail

Reading or listening to the boating weather forecast should always be part of your pre-trip checklist, but that is only useful if you know how to interpret the information within it. 

Here are some key items to be aware of:

Wind: Forecasts state the wind direction using compass descriptions and give the wind speed as an average or a range. When gusts are predicted this indicates winds will increase by 10 or more knots for short durations. As a guide, whitecaps can start to form when winds are over 10 knots.

Waves: Waves will be affected by wind speed and direction as well as tidal currents. Canadian wave forecasts only describe the wave swell which is the distance from crest to trough. When higher swells are combined with short interval times (waves coming closer together) due to high winds, waves can be larger and cause a hazard or danger to smaller vessels.

Weather conditions: Watch forecasts for extreme conditions such as heavy rain, low visibility due to fog and high-water levels as these could obstruct your vision or cover obstacles that are usually above water level. If you are caught on the water in these conditions, ensure you use your radar if your boat is equipped with it, to detect other vessels or objects. 

Ultimately, a combination of the marine forecast, your own observations and experience and the capabilities of your vessel will tell you whether it is safe for you to take your boat onto the ocean. 

Remember to continue to listen to the boating weather forecast while you are on the water. Additional updates will be broadcast if a significant change to predicted weather is expected to occur.

What Should I Do If I Get Caught in Bad Weather at Sea?

Regardless of predictions, the weather can still change suddenly and even the most careful boater can find themselves in an unexpected situation. To avoid extreme weather changes, keep an eye on the horizon at all times to ensure you see major storm systems before they reach you.

 If you do get caught in bad weather on the ocean, remember the following tips:

  • Reduce your speed to as low as you can while still making headway
  • Ensure everyone aboard is wearing a personal floatation device
  • Turn on your running lights
  • Head into large waves at a 45-degree angle
  • Go to the nearest anchorage or marina
  • If you can’t make headway or your engine fails deploy your anchor and make a distress call

Also see our guide to safe boating in poor visibility for more tips on staying safe when visibility is restricted by bad weather or strong winds make it difficult to maneuver your boat.

Tools and Equipment for Weather Monitoring

Keeping track of the marine weather forecast has never been easier thanks to the development of a number of high-tech tools.

A number of smartphone apps are now available for boaters which give up-to-date marine forecasts for the area you are in. This can be particularly useful if you are boating in international waters.

In addition, modern barometers, meters and wireless weather stations can be added to your yacht to ensure a detailed forecast and accurate weather predictions are always available when you are on board.

Get a Yacht Equipped for Weather Monitoring at Van Isle Marina

At Van Isle Marina, our friendly staff are always on hand to give advice on local marine weather conditions. If your original destination is off-limits due to incoming conditions, our staff will gladly make alternative suggestions so you can still enjoy your day. How about lunch at the Seaglass Waterfront Grill while you wait for the weather to clear?

Looking for a new yacht that has the latest weather tracking technology already installed? Our yacht broker will work with you to find a vessel that ticks all your boxes and has the equipment to provide you with a marine weather forecast too. Contact us today for an appointment with our yacht broker.

A Guide to Waxing and Painting your Boat

How to Get Your Yacht Shining Like New Again

There is nothing more pleasurable than sailing on a sunny day in a boat that’s sparkling like new. Unfortunately, we all know that UV rays and salt water can take their toll on your boat’s shiny finish over time, but regularly waxing or painting your boat can help retain that ‘like new’ finish.

While refinishing your boat can be time-consuming, expensive and even a bit tricky, the results are definitely worth it. Our guide to waxing and painting your boat will help you decide which is the best option for your vessel and take you through the process step-by-step for each.

Why Do I Need To Wax Or Paint My Boat?

Most new fiberglass boats are finished with a protective gelcoat which starts off shiny and smooth. Over time, this gelcoat layer gets damaged by exposure to the sun and saltwater causing:

  • Discolouration
  • Cloudiness or chalkiness
  • Dullness
  • Fine scratches

Waxing or painting your boat will remove this damage and restore your yacht’s shine. Regular waxing also protects the hull and topside by sealing the surface, therefore preventing water stains.

Wax Or Paint – Which Does My Boat Need?

Ultimately, the type of boat you have, its age and the level of damage will be your guide as to whether a polish and wax or a paint job is required. For example:

Polishing and Waxing:

  • Polishing and waxing regularly will help restore and maintain your boat and protect it for the boating season
  • In most cases, some polishing of the gelcoat will be required before wax is applied
  • Polishes contain abrasive compounds which will remove some of the old gelcoat and reduce oxidation, cloudiness, small scratches. Polishing is usually done using a mechanical buffer
  • Wax is then used to protect and seal the gelcoat and repel water and UV rays 
  • Wax can be applied directly over a gelcoat which is in good condition with no scratches or damage


  • Sometimes the gelcoat gets worn too thin by years of polishing and waxing – in this case, painting is the best option for a ‘like new’ refresh.
  • Painting is a more time-consuming and expensive job; but once done, the finish will last for a long time, especially if maintained with regular wax coatings.

If you are unsure about what treatment your boat needs, always consult with an expert at Van Isle Marina’s world-class Yacht Park. While we do not offer topside painting or waxing services, we do specialize in anti-fouling services, including:

  • Seasonal application of new anti-fouling including wet sand surface prep
  • Prepping new boats for service in saltwater. Marking waterlines and applying epoxy barrier coatings
  • Sandblasting and stripping old anti-fouling
  •  Changing zincs
  •  Polishing running gearRent scaffolding at van isle marina yacht park

We also rent scaffolding for anyone who wants to complete this work themselves or have a third party come in and complete these services.

Top Tips For DIY Boat Waxing

Experts suggest waxing your boat at least once a year, although many people like to do it twice – at both the start and end of each boating season.

Step 1 – Clean, Clean, Clean! Use an environmentally-friendly boat wash to ensure all salt, dirt, mould, grime and stains are removed.

Step 2 – Polish to restore the gelcoat layer. Depending on the level of damage, different polishing techniques may be required including wet polishing or rubbing compounds.

Step 3 – Wax on! Apply thin layers of wax coating to seal and protect the polished gelcoat. Wax options include:

  • Carnauba wax – a natural wax that gives a glossy finish ideal for boats with little to no damage
  • Cleaner wax – includes gentle scrubbing ingredients to help remove dirt and stains
  • Polishing wax – made of synthetic materials, blocks UV
  • Restorer Wax – has coarser compounds mixed in to deal with heavier oxidation

For more information check this review of boat wax by TripSavvy.

Top Tips For Painting a Boat

Painting your boat’s hull and topside can be time-consuming and expensive, but once it’s done it will last for years with regular waxing. You can paint over gelcoat or over an existing paint layer.

Before you start painting make sure you have all the equipment you will need and you have enough paint to complete the job. There are different types of boat paint to consider:

  • Single-part enamel – easy to use but wears fast
  • Single-part polyurethane – lasts longer than enamel
  • Two-part polyurethane – most expensive but lasts longest

Totalboat’s guide to topside painting explains the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Once you are ready to paint, follow these steps:

  1. Remove any hardware, wood trim and decals
  2. Repair surface imperfections like chips or gouges using an epoxy filler
  3. Prep the paint or gel surface by washing, de-waxing and polishing
  4. Apply primer, allow to set before applying paint in thin even layers to prevent dripping
  5. Once the paint has fully cured, apply wax layer to protect the paint
  6. Enjoy the compliments your shiny paint finish will no doubt bring!

Remember, painting your hull and topside is different from anti-fouling paint, which should be done every 1 – 2 years. Ask our experienced team about our anti-fouling and epoxy prep services!

Van Isle Marina Can Help You Find What You’re Looking For!

Based in Sidney, BC; our team of professionals are waiting to help you – whether you are looking for recommendations for someone to complete the work for you, or want to do it yourself. We can offer advice and provide the equipment or supplies you may require – just ask!

Looking for that brand new boat shine? Our yacht sales team would be glad to help you find your new dream boat. Contact us today for more information on services or sales.

Boat and Hull Maintenance

Complete Haul-Out Service at Van Isle Marina Yacht Park

Boat maintenance is a key part of keeping your boat seaworthy, safe and looking great. After all, there is nothing more enjoyable than cruising in a boat you know is in top notch condition and is well protected from the corrosive elements of the ocean.

Saltwater, marine organisms and UV rays can all take their toll on your boat’s finish, integrity and performance, but regular maintenance can help retain the appearance and extend the life of your vessel.

While yacht care can be daunting, time-consuming and expensive, you don’t have to do it all yourself! Instead, make the most of the services and equipment available at Van Isle Marina’s World Class Yacht Park to keep annual maintenance chores manageable and effective.

Why Do I Need To Do Annual Maintenance on My Yacht?Why do I need to do Annual Maintenance on My Yacht

Performance and fuel consumption can be adversely impacted when any part of the boat’s operating system – from its engine to its electrical systems or even its paint work – is not maintained.

Poor boat maintenance might mean a yacht that doesn’t run as fast, or an engine that vibrates, but there can also be serious malfunctions or expensive replacements which no one wants.

Some care tasks are required after every trip, and some only need to be addressed annually. Annual boat maintenance tasks include:

  • Mechanical check-ups
  • Electrical system care
  • Topside painting
  • Fabric maintenance
  • Waxing

For the purposes of this article we are focusing on the maintenance of the hull of the vessel which includes:

  • Antifouling painting and epoxy barrier coat prep
  • Zinc replacement
  • Running gear maintenance

Hull maintenance should be done as part of your annual haul-out when other care tasks can be completed too. It is most important these tasks are completed while your boat is out of the water so damage can be properly assessed and corrected before the next sailing season.

See Van Isle Marina’s ‘Boat Maintenance Checklist’ for a complete list of the boat maintenance requirements you should be addressing every year.

What is Hull Maintenance and Why is it Important?

Hull maintenance, or bottom side maintenance, is the maintenance of everything underneath the water line, from the running gear to the hull itself.

Since this part of your vessel spends most of its life underwater, it is susceptible to wear and deterioration due to salt and marine organisms like barnacles. Annual boat maintenance will clean away any grime, dirt and sea life, revitalize the running gear and provide protection for the coming year.

Hull and bottom side maintenance tasks include:

  1. Antifouling bottom painting and epoxy barrier coat prepping

If your boat is in the water most of the time, antifouling bottom paint will need to be applied annually. These paints include biocides such as copper which discourage barnacles and other aquatic organisms from attaching themselves to your hull.

Different types of paint are available. Look at your owners’ guide or talk to an expert at Van Isle Marina to determine which paint is best for your vessel:

Ablative, also known as self-polishing, paint gradually wears away to reveal fresh biocide as water moves against your boat. Great for yachts which are taken out on the ocean regularly, but not recommended for boats that sit idle in the water for long periods.

Hard, or non-sloughing, paint creates a tough hard coating which releases biocide gradually. Ideal for fast boats as it won’t wear as quickly as ablative paint, but it will require removal before fresh paint can be applied.

Hybrid paint can hold up to fast speeds and repeated haul-outs while remaining smooth.

Epoxy barrier coat is a two-part paint that can be applied before bottom paint to fill any uneven spots and create better paint adhesion.

  1. Changing zinc anodesChanging Zinc Anodes on a boat

Zinc anodes, also known as sacrificial anodes, are installed on boats to protect the metal components of the boat itself from galvanic corrosion. This is an electrochemical process that happens when two different metals which are contacted electronically, are submerged in water. Without zinc anodes (which corrode faster than other metals) propellers, shafts, rudders, drives and even the hull can be significantly damaged. Zinc anodes are placed in various locations on your boat and should be replaced at least annually.

  1. Cleaning and polishing running gear

Maintenance of running gear such as hull fittings, shafts, propellers, rudders, struts and intake grates is vital to protect the longevity of your yacht. When your boat is hauled out these should be cleaned, inspected and polished to prevent sluggish performance and engine vibrations.

Can I Get Help With My HullCan I Get Help With My Hull Maintenance Maintenance?

Although some of these maintenance tasks can be done by boat owners with some time and patience, there are a number of advantages to asking an expert to complete maintenance tasks.

  • They have the experience to get a smooth finish on bottom paint – a rough paint finish can result in drag that impacts speed.
  • The Yacht Park has the correct equipment and trained staff so tasks are done right the first time.
  • You can save time compared to doing it yourself.

The Yacht Park at Van Isle Marina has a great team of experts available to help with haul-outs and bottom-side maintenance tasks. If you wish to complete some maintenance work yourself, the Yacht Park offers rental scaffolding and our dedicated staff can assist you with getting the products and equipment you require.

Van Isle Marina’s World Class Yacht Park Offers Premium Maintenance Services

At Van Isle Marina, our Yacht Park features a self-propelled haul-out trailer which enables our staff to take care of everything without you even needing to be on site.

Yachts can be lifted and blocked, ready for the boat owner to complete scheduled maintenance work, or it can go directly onto the water treatment ramp where our staff can pressure wash, scrape and sand before other maintenance begins.

Van Isle Marina’s Yacht Park crew would be pleased to assist you with your bottom-side services. For any other maintenance or repair tasks, our Yacht Park staff can offer a list of approved trades who are welcome to work on your vessel on site.

For more information about the Yacht Park, dry storage and maintenance services we offer, contact us today.

Boat Safety Checklist

How to Be a Safe Boater

If you sit in the captain’s seat of your yacht, you also take on the duty of ensuring that your boating experience is safe. In order to ensure safety of everyone on board, there are a number of things to consider:

  • Is the vessel itself safe to use, seaworthy and properly equipped?
  • Are your guests safe and do they know what to do in an emergency?
  • Do I know how to navigate and interact with other water users so everyone is safe?

Being responsible for safety can be daunting at first, but by following this boating safety checklist, you can feel confident that you have the equipment you need and know what to do to keep everyone safe on your vessel.

The Key Steps to Boat Safety – a Checklist

Learn: The first step to safe boating is knowledge. Anyone operating a pleasure craft in Canadian waters must complete an accredited training course and exam to receive their Pleasure Craft Operating Card. This course will teach you everything you need to know about how to be safe on the water and the equipment you must carry on board.

Equip your vessel: According to Transport Canada, there are some safety items that you must have on your vessel by law. Exact requirements may vary depending on the size of your vessel, make sure you check the safe boating guide before kitting out your yacht.

  • Personal Flotation Devices / Lifejackets: You must have at least one PFD per person on board. It is recommended that every passenger wears their life jacket at all times

In over 87% of drowning deaths, the victim was either not wearing a PFD or wearing one that didn’t fit correctly according to Red Cross Canada. When choosing life jackets consider the following:

Fit – life jackets have weight limits, if this limit is exceeded it may mean the wearer is not kept afloat. The PFD should fit snugly enough that it cannot be pulled up past the wearer’s chin.

Age – life Jackets for small children should have crotch straps and head supports to ensure they stay in place and keep the child’s face out of the water.

Activity – different styles of PFDs are available for different uses, i.e. with bigger arm holes for anglers.

  • Buoyant Heaving Line: At least 15m long, for water rescues. Also consider at least one throwable floatation device such as a ring or pillow buoy.
  • Manual propelling device or anchor with 15m rope: In case of engine failure.
  • Visual signalling devices: Approved flares or waterproof flashlights with spare batteries.
  • Sound signalling devices: Portable and fixed horns and whistles to attract attention and use in low visibility. Larger vessels also require a fixed bell.
  • Fire extinguisher: Visit Transport Canada to find the required classification of fire extinguisher for your vessel type
  • Bailer or hand pump: In case of water breaches or leaks.

Add an emergency kit: Although not legally required, these additional items will be invaluable in an emergency situation.Always have an Emergency kit on board

  • First Aid Kit – put a basic kit together yourself using this Canadian Red Cross
  • Documentation – boat registration, local water charts.
  • Communication tools – VHF Radio, marine UHF Radio, Cell Phone (know which radio channels to use for local emergency assistance and ensure someone else on board knows how to use it).
  • Navigation tools – charts, radar, GPS
  • Spare batteries
  • Extra water and snacks
  • Essential weather kit – Sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, waterproof clothes.
  • Dry change of clothes
  • Knife

For more information about what an emergency kit should contain, see Van Isle Marina’s Emergency Boating Checklist.

Always do a pre-departure boat safety checklist: A pre-departure checklist is a quick and easy way to ensure that your vessel is safe and ready to go out on the water. By going through this list you can fix any problems before you set sail.

  • Are the oil, fuel and other fluid levels correct?
  • Are batteries all charged?
  • Is all required safety and other equipment present?
  • Are your lights working correctly?
  • Is your radio working?

Educate your guests on boating safety: Before you set sail, make sure your guests know:

  • Where the PFDs are and how to use them.
  • How to use the radio and other signalling devices.
  • What to do in the case of an emergency if you are incapacitated.

How Else Can I Ensure My Vessel and Guests are Safe?How to be a safe boater

  • Check the weather forecast: Weather systems can move in quickly at sea. Always check the local forecast before setting off and know what to do if the weather changes suddenly. Environment Canada marine weather forecasts will let you see at a glance if there are any weather warnings in your area.
  • File a float plan: Make sure someone on land knows your plans so they can alert authorities if you do not return as expected. Such as a friend or family member.
  • Navigate safely: Remember:
    • Keep out of the path of larger vessels
    • Use navigation lights and radar to ensure you are seen
    • Don’t cause an obstruction to others
  • Don’t drive impaired: Almost 65% of annual boating deaths involve the use of alcohol. Alcohol and drugs reduce motor skills, judgement and ability to react. Wait until you are back in dock or on land to enjoy a drink.

Van Isle Marina – Your Yacht is Safe With Us

At Van Isle Marina our knowledgeable staff can help you to find any boating safety equipment you may require for your vessel. We can also provide any information you need to know about local waters.

At our full service marina located just outside Sidney, BC, you’ll find a marine fueling station, and dock store. You’ll also find secure, heated lockers where you can store your boat safety and emergency items. With moorage options ranging from nightly to year round, you can relax knowing your yacht is safe and secure. Contact us to find out more about our marina services today.

Winter Boating and Cruising Checklist

How to Keep Boating Throughout Winter

Winter boating is a growing hobby here on Vancouver Island. While many boaters choose to winterize their yachts, tuck them up on dry land and wait longingly for spring, it’s entirely possible to stay on the water throughout the winter months.

Boaters in the Pacific Northwest benefit from milder winters, which means we can take advantage of the quieter off-season. By boating in the winter months, you can enjoy visiting destinations like the San Juan Islands, Gulf Islands and Desolation Sound even more when there are fewer people around.

Weather and water conditions can be quite different in winter. To ensure you and your vessel stay safe and secure, please read through this winter boating and cruising checklist.

You may also want to read our Winter on the Boat – Tips and Tricks post for even more useful information.

Preparing Your Yacht for Winter Use

Before you start planning a boating trip this winter, make sure your yacht has been prepared to perform well in wintery conditions. 

Mechanical preparation

  • Add antifreeze to engine coolant and make sure it is fully topped up.
  • Charge batteries. Engines need more charge to start when it is cold. Dead batteries are more susceptible to freezing which destroys them.
  • Fill the gas tank and add an ice-preventing stabilizer. 

Heating equipment

Engine-based heating will not be enough since it doesn’t provide heat when the engine is off. For winter boating, add an additional heat source such as:

  • Electric space heater (use only if moored with electrical hookups to prevent battery drainage)
  • Diesel space heater
  • Diesel furnace
  • Propane fireplace or heater


  • Install hull insulation
  • Make or purchase window coverings with foam or extra insulation. Use when moored or anchored
  • Add a cockpit tent to protect the topside from the elements. This also creates a space to hang wet clothing and towels

Equipment check 

Make sure you have the following equipment on board at all times, especially when enjoying winter boating.

  • First aid kit
  • Personal flotation devices and buoyancy aids
  • Noise and light makers – whistle, bell, flares, flashlights
  • A plastic snow shovel and a long handled brush for sweeping ice from decks
  • Ice-breaker in case your vessel gets iced in at dock

What Should I Bring on a Winter Boat Trip?

In order to stay warm and comfortable on a winter boating or winter yacht trip, bring the following with you:

  • Warm clothing (always bring spares)
  • Long underwear
  • Thick wool socks
  • Shirts
  • Warm or lined pants
  • Fleece vest or hoodie
  • Waterproof hooded jacket
  • Knitted cap
  • Gloves – full and fingerless sailing gloves
  • Insulated boots or sturdy shoes with good non-slip grip

Food and Drink

  • Plenty of warm drink options – coffee, tea, hot chocolate, broths
  • Easy hot food, such as soups
  • Granola bars and snacks in case heating food is not possible. Dehydrated and fresh fruits and vegetables are always good to have on hand, even for short trips

Linens (any linens not in use should be vacuum packed to save space and prevent damp and mildew)

  • Plenty of warm blankets 
  • Bath and hand sized towels
  • Bedding, incl. pillow cases and extra sheets

What To Do Before Heading Out For a Winter Boating Trip

Do these things before every winter boating trip.

  • Winter Boating – What To Do if Bad Weather Hits When You’re On The Water

    In winter, conditions can change extremely quickly out on the water. Be aware and be prepared.

    • Keep track of weather
      • If you are in the path of an incoming storm or low pressure system, get to the closest protected moorage. Either a dock, marina or sheltered bay and ride out the storm
      • Secure loose items above and below deck
    • Watch for ice on the water
      • Most fibreglass boats are able to push through up to 1 inch of ice without significant damage
      • Use ice pick or ice breaker if necessary
      • Aluminum hulls should not be taken through ice
    • Keep your deck ice free
      • Use seawater and brush to scrub ice from the deck
      • Use seawater to melt ice on railings, lines and hoses
    • Keep an eye on gas, water and battery levels – be aware of the location of your nearest, open service facility

    When You Return From a Winter Boating Trip

    Prepping your boat as soon as you get back to dock will protect your yacht between journeys and ensure it will be ready for your next trip.

    For boats hauled out of the water:

    • Drain water from engine – run engine for a few seconds then move to down position
    • Drain water tanks and water pumps
    • Add antifreeze to engine
    • Add fuel stabilizer to gas tank
    • If stored outside, cover with a breathable cover
    • Charge batteries

    For boats kept in the water:

    • Keep fuel and water tanks topped up
    • Turn off water pump and clear lines to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting
    • Close all thru-hull valves to prevent water from entering the hull
    • Tilt outboard engine up and out of water
    • Use desiccant material or a dehumidifier to prevent damp
    • Use an engine compartment heater if weather predicted to drop below freezing
    • Cover boat with a breathable cover to prevent mildew build up
    • Charge batteries

    Dock Your Yacht at Van Isle Marina This Winter

    Want to boat more this winter? Van Isle Marina’s full service marina is open year round so you can find all the services, equipment and assistance you need to keep boating through the winter.

    Our marina is conveniently located in Sidney, BC and we have water and electrical hook-ups available with moorage. Our fuel dock and pump out facilities remain open seven days a week throughout the winter.. Looking for a new yacht to go cruising with this winter and many years to come? Our experienced sales team here at Van Isle Marina can help you find what you are looking for and get you out on the water. Contact us for information on sales, moorage rates, dry storage and our marina facilities.

Boat Mooring Checklist & Techniques

Boat Mooring Checklist and Techniques

Step by Step Instructions for Successful Mooring

Knowing how to moor your boat properly is a vital skill all boat owners should have. 

No one wants to find their vessel damaged, floating away or sunk, which can all happen if it is not moored and secured properly. A damaged or submerged boat is not only a huge financial loss and stressful situation, but can cause environmental damage too.


Mooring your boat securely and safely will give you the peace of mind that your boat will be ok while you are gone. Follow this boat mooring checklist to ensure your boat is properly moored each and every time.

>> Check out our mooring, anchoring and docking guide.

What is Mooring?

Mooring is the act of tying or securing your vessel to a fixed structure:

  • Dock
  • Wharf
  • Jetty
  • Pier
  • Quay 

These all offer some kind of walkway and direct access to your vessel for easy boarding and loading.

You can also moor to a fixed position mooring buoy. A mooring buoy is connected via a mooring chain to a fixed anchor. When you moor to the buoy, the anchor holds your vessel in place. 

Mooring buoys are in open water and good for when you want to stop at an offshore location for some time. A dinghy or tender will be needed to get to shore.

Before I Set Off – What Equipment Do I Need to Moor Properly?

Before each journey, make sure your vessel is equipped with everything you will need for successful and safe moorage, whether that is out in the water, or back at your home marina. 

  • At least one anchor attached to an anchor line
  • Bow line
  • Stern line
  • Spring line
  • Spare lines
  • At least 2 fenders (more if slip mooring)
  • Boat hook for retrieving mooring buoy lines

>> Check out our boating equipment checklist.

How to Moor Your Vessel – A Step by Step Guide to Mooring Techniques


Mooring to a dock or jetty

Approaching a mooring – what to do first

  • Get prepared 
    • Does your mooring location have rules or requirements?
    • Do you need to check in and / or pay?
    • Can you moor anywhere or only in an allocated space?
  • Find your designated mooring spot or a free mooring spot that looks accessible
  • Reduce speed to minimum, then use reverse to bring boat to a stop well away from mooring
  • Observe any drift and consider how weather conditions and wind may impact your approach
  • Get lines ready by tying them to cleats
  • Prepare fenders and drop them over the appropriate side of vessel
  • Make sure there is no other moving traffic in the area before proceeding

Parallel Mooring – mooring alongside a dock and securing along one side of vessel

  • Approach the dock bow first at a narrow angle of around 20 degrees
  • When close, have a passenger step off to the dock and secure the bow line to a dock cleat
  • Use the stern line to pull back end of boat in by hand and secure line to dock cleat
  • If you will be away for some time or the weather is poor, add a spring line running from stern cleat to dock at midship then up to bow cleat.

If strong wind is pushing you away from the dock

  • Approach the dock at a steep (approx. 40 degree) angle
  • Put vessel into reverse to hold position and secure bow line to dock cleat
  • Put boat briefly into forward and turn wheel sharply away from dock to swing in stern
  • Secure stern line to dock cleat

If strong wind is pushing you into dock

  • Approach as slowly as possible parallel to the dock
  • Let the wind push you into dock (make sure fenders are in place)
  • Secure bow and then stern lines to dock cleats or bull railing

Slip mooring – mooring at right angle to dock or pier, between other boats or pontoons

  • Find mooring spot then turn so vessel is lined up in front of slip
  • Reverse into space being careful of other boats
  • Watch out for drift caused by wind and adjust as necessary
  • Secure boat by running lines from bow and starboard cleats to the dock

Mooring to a mooring buoy

  • Find out if the mooring buoy is public or private
  • Approach the mooring buoy from down-wind or current
  • Put engine into neutral and retrieve the buoy pick up line using your boat hook
  • Tie bowline to port or starboard bow cleat, then run bow line through loop in pick-up line
  • Tie other end of bowline to the opposite bow cleat

Mooring by Anchor

If you find yourself needing to stop while in open water but with no mooring buoys in sight, you will need to moor by anchor. See this step-by-step guide by discoverboating.com for tips on anchoring a boat.

After You Have Moored – Do These Things Before You Leave Your Boat

Mooring doesn’t end after you have tied up your lines. Make sure you shut down and protect your vessel before you leave it.

  • Check your lines are unobstructed and secure
  • Close through hull valves
  • Switch on automatic bilge pumps and alarms 
  • Turn off non-essential electrics such as lights, VHF radio 
  • Connect to shore power if available to avoid battery drainage 
  • Store PFDs and life jackets
  • Latch all cabin doors
  • Lock ignition switches
  • Take your boat key and offshore essentials with you
  • Set boat security alarm 

>> Taking your boat in for maintenance? Check out our complete haul-out services available at Van Isle Marina.

Moorage Facilities to Suit all Vessels at Van Isle Marina

Whether you are looking for moorage options for a single night, a short stay or longer term, you’ll find everything you need at Van Isle Marina.

Located in Sidney, BC, Van Isle Marina is a full-service marina with 500 open and covered berths for boats up to 200 feet plus.

Utilities for those mooring at the marina include electrical hook up, water supply, waste disposal, full fuel dock and more. Van Isle Marina also has yacht maintenance and storage facilities should your vessel require some work during your time mooring with us.

Contact Van Isle Marina today for more information about mooring with us.

boat haul outs - Van Isle Marina

Tips for a Successful Haul Out

Things to Consider When Planning Your Annual Boat Haul Out

For some yacht owners, an annual haul out marks the end of boating season; for others, it’s a chance to clean and carry out any repairs before putting the boat right back in. 

If you dread haul out time you’re not alone – most boat owners feel uncomfortable watching their pride and joy get lifted out of the water. The good news is we have rounded up some of the top tips for a successful haul out which will help make your next experience as stress free as possible.Why do I need to haul out my boat

Why do I need to haul out my boat?

There can be a number of reasons why you need a haul out, and when and how often you need them such as:

  • Annual inspections and cleaning
  • To move it to another location
  • To store it for the winter
  • To trailer it on dry land
  • Repairs and maintenance

Even if you live in a region which enables you to leave your boat in the water year-round, you should still have regular haul outs as regular maintenance prolongs the life of your vessel. 

If you don’t haul, clean and inspect regularly, you may miss damage or buildup of barnacles and other contamination which can cause blockages and damage to mechanisms and instruments. This type of damage can ultimately cause water penetration, poor performance and lower fuel efficiency.

What can I do to prepare for my haul out?What can I do to prepare for my haul out

There are lots of things boat owners can do prior to a haul out to save time, stress and reduce the risk of things going wrong.

  1. The most important is to plan ahead – if you are hauling it out during a busy season you may need to book some time in advance for both the haul out and any maintenance work. 
  2. If you haven’t been out on the water for a while, take your yacht for a mechanical test run. Check how it feels when running at full rpm and make note of anything that may need to be looked at while it is out of the water.
  3. Get to know where the safe lift points are on your vessel and mark them with bright tape. Doing this will make it easier for the crane operator and ensure your boat is being lifted by its strongest points; minimizing risk of damage. Alternatively, show the operator a photograph of your boat out of water which they can use to decide the best lifting spots.
  4. The day before your haul out, take the time to work out your approach to the haul out channel – this will help reduce stress on the day.
  5. Remove anything from the boat that could move around in transit and get damaged.
  6. If you usually live aboard, consider how long you are going to be off your boat. It could be one day or multiple days depending on what you are having done. Be sure to take everything with you that you will need.
  7. If you are not familiar with the yard or marina, remember to ask what facilities they have and how you can access them.
  8. Need some maintenance work? Plan ahead as much as you can. Decide what you can do and what you need contractors to do. Buy parts and supplies ahead of time to prevent unwanted delays.
  9. Familiarize yourself with the haul out fees at your yard / marina and what they include. If you are going to be storing your yacht on dry land for a while, talk to the marina about which storage options are best for your vessel.
  10. Pre-drain your water and waste tanks to reduce the weight of the boat.

Should I be on site for my boat haul out?

If at all possible, be on site for the haul out. This is a great opportunity to observe your yacht while it is being lifted:

  • How fouled is it?
  • Is the paint chipping or peeling?
  • Are the anodes worn?
  • Any visible damage or erosion on propellers, rudders or transducers?

What maintenance should I do when my boat is hauled out

What maintenance should I do when my boat is hauled out?

Each time you haul out your boat it is a great opportunity to clean and maintain your yacht for the year ahead. Even if there’s no major repairs required, consider these basic tasks:

  • Bottom painting: After the hull has been cleaned, prepare it by filling any significant areas of paint loss and sanding. Make sure the part of the boat which was in contact with blocks or jack stands is painted and given time to dry before it is put back into the water.
  • Check anodes: and replace if more than 2/3 eroded. While zinc is the traditional material used for anodes for salt water vessels, aluminum is a more environmentally friendly option that is also best for fresh-water boating.
  • Corrosion checks: Look over the hull for signs of rust or corrosion, including your anchor and chain.
  • If you are hauling out to winterize your boat, make sure you drain your engine, use anti-freeze, add fuel stabilizer and remove any batteries before it is stored. Remove anything that can freeze, rot or attract vermin like food, towels and bedding. Remove and lay out material covers and seat cushions to reduce chances of mould forming while the boat is stored.

Follow these tips to feel confident when it’s time to launch your boat back in the water, leaving you free to enjoy cruising the coast. 

Find First Class Haul out and Storage Facilities at Van Isle MarinaFind first haul out and storage facilities at Van Isle Marina

If you need a full service haul out facility on Vancouver Island then look no further than Van Isle Marina. Located in Sidney, BC, the marina offers full and half haul service for boats up to 70ft with maintenance and services including:

  • Power washing
  • Bottom painting
  • Anode replacement
  • Equipment rental
  • Trailer, mast and dinghy storage
  • Electrical hook ups
  • Rolling scaffolding

With a full haul-out, layday, monthly, or annual dry storage terms are available.

Contact our experienced staff today to discuss your haul-out and maintenance requirements.

B.C.’s Top 10 Freshwater Fishing Spots

BC's top 10 freshwater fishing spots

The Best Fishing Lakes and Rivers in British Columbia

With over 20,000 lakes and 750,000km of waterways, British Columbia is a freshwater fishing paradise and a dream for anglers.  Freshwater fishing offers a completely different experience to ocean fishing, and the opportunity to catch a variety of species of fish, some of which are unique to the area.

>> Looking for a new fishing boat? Check our our selection of new and pre-owned at Van Isle Marina: Boats for sale.

Anglers Spoiled for Choice in B.C.’s Species Rich Fresh Waters

There is an abundance of fish species to be found in British Columbia’s lakes and rivers including:

Anglers spoiled for choice - trout

  • Rainbow Trout
  • Bull Trout 
  • Cutthroat Trout
  • Kokanee
  • Steelhead Salmon
  • Sockeye Salmon
  • Dolly Warden
  • Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass
  • Arctic Grayling
  • Sturgeon

A great catch is almost guaranteed thanks to an annual program funded by the freshwater license fee that stocks trout in over 800 lakes across the province.

Top 10 Spots for Freshwater Fishing in B.C.

There are so many amazing lakes, streams and rivers in British Columbia but our list includes those which a fishing fanatic should not miss. They are all accessible by boat, although most of these can be fished from shore too.

Elk and Beaver Lakes: Located in the Saanich area of Vancouver Island these lakes are stocked with Rainbow Trout and small and largemouth Bass. The lakes are connected via a shallow channel and are very popular for day use by families. Motorboat speed and power limitations are in effect in some areas.

Quesnel Lake: With a depth of 2,000ft, this Cariboo area lake is believed to be the deepest fjord lake in the world. Access this pristine wilderness fishing spot via boat launches and recreation sites on the western shore. This lake breeds large fish with Lake Trout up to 20kg as well as Rainbow and Bull Trout and Kokanee to be found.

Top 10 spots for freshwater fishing

Sheridan Lake: Despite its secluded location near 100 Mile House; this lake is considered to be one of the best trout fishing lakes in the province. Rainbow Trout can grow up to 16kg thanks to a diet rich in freshwater shrimp which is abundant in the lake. There are a number of boat launches and resorts for anglers to choose from. 

Shushwap Lake: Known for its beautiful beaches; this lake, which has four ‘arms’ is rumoured to contain up to 19 species of fish. Chinook, Coho and Sockeye Salmon are certain to be found in the aptly named Salmon Arm, but angler’s in the know go for the Bull and Rainbow Trout which can weigh in at 10kg.

Williston Lake: At over 1,700sq km, this lake is actually the largest reservoir in BC, formed when the W.A.C Bennett Dam was constructed in 1968. A popular lake with many beaches and provincial parks on its shore; Williston is considered to be one of the best fishing lakes in the province with Arctic G

rayling, Rainbow and Bull Trout, Kokanee and Whitefish all reaching good sizes here.

Anderson Lake: Rainbow Trout, Bull Trout and Sockeye can all be found in this spectacular lake located north of Pemberton. At 21 miles long and nearly 1,000ft in depth the lake can get quite rough in windy weather so smaller boats should stay closer to shore.

Chilko Lake: This glacier-fed lake is the largest high elevation freshwater lake in Canada. Its turquoise waters and surrounding volcanic mountains make for a picturesque backdrop to a day of fishing for Rainbow and Bull Trout. A classified waters licence is required to fish here.

Top 10 spots for lake and river fishing in BC

Skeena River: Excellent salmon fishing can be found year-round on this river which runs between Terrace and Prince Rupert. Accessible boat put-ins can be found along highway 16. Bring your fly fishing gear for a successful trip.

Fraser River: B.C.’s largest river system, found east of Vancouver, is best known for its Sturgeon fishing opportunities. You’ll need some strong gear and arms if you catch one of these ancient fish which can grow to 12ft long. 

Cowichan River: Located in the centre of Vancouver Island; anglers find most success in the shoulder seasons when the river is cooler. It is considered the finest trout stream in the province thanks to its abundance of insects which keep the unique Brown Trout species plentiful in its waters.

Successful Freshwater Fishing – What to Know Before You Go

  • Get a freshwater fishing license – All anglers aged 16 and over require a specific freshwater license to fish the lakes and rivers of B.C. This can be purchased online or at a licensed vendor. Be aware that some locations or species require an additional conservation fee.
  • Familiarize yourself with freshwater fishing regulations –  these include areas with catch and release only fishing, catch limits and region-specific rules.
  • Bring the right gear – Freshwater fishing needs different equipment to ocean fishing. Your local fishing store can help you with supplies such as:
    • Fly fishing rods and lures
    • Species-specific bait
    • Strong hooks and lines for large lake fish
    • A depth finder
  • Remember to wash your hands!  – Freshwater fish are sensitive to odors and may be scared away by smells they don’t recognize.

Van Isle Marina can help you find your dream fishing boat

Van Isle Marina Can Help You Find Your Dream Fishing Boat 

Keen to try some freshwater fishing but need to upgrade your boat? Van Isle Marina’s experienced sales team can advise you on all the options and additions available, contact us today to find out more.

Got a fishing boat you need to store? We offer docking and dry storage facilities in addition to our 500 open and covered marina berths at our state-of-the-art marina.

Located in Sidney, B.C., Van Isle Marina is a convenient starting point to access the amazing freshwater fishing that Vancouver Island offers, or take the nearby ferry to the mainland to explore all the freshwater fishing locations on our list.

Choosing the Right Boat

What to Consider When Buying a Boat


Owning a boat opens up a whole new world of on-water adventure for you and your family. Buying a boat is a major decision but one you won’t regret if you choose the right one.

Whether you are looking to buy for the first time or upgrade your current model, there are a number of considerations that you can use to help you find the perfect boat.

5 Key Things to Consider When Buying a Boat

  1. What type of boat meets my needs?

There are so many different types of boats to choose from that it can be hard to know where to start. Thinking about what you want to do in your boat and who you’re going to be doing it with is a great starting point.

What activities do I want to do? Are you looking for a boat to take deep-sea fishing? Do you want to cruise the coastline for a multi-day sightseeing trip or is your aim to have fun in the lake pulling wakeboarders and skiers? Each activity requires a different type of vessel, engine and equipment.

What size is right? A bigger boat is likely to have more features and facilities, but it will cost more to buy, run and store. If you are a first-time buyer, test drive a few different sized boats to see which you are most comfortable operating. 

Which engine type and horsepower option is right? There are a number of different engine types available including:

  • Outboard Motors
  • Gas Sterndrives
  • Diesel inboards
  • Water jet propulsion

The type you choose will influence how the vessel drives, steering and stability, noise and pollution, storage, wear and tear and more. Consider an engine with a horsepower capacity close to the maximum for the boat to ensure it is able to perform in all conditions.

Where will I use and store the boat? Are you planning to be out in the deep ocean where you are at the mercy of incoming weather systems? Then consider a cab where you can get some protection. If you want to store your boat at home, you will need to choose a style and size that can be trailered.

  1. Should I buy a new or used boat?

The decision to buy new or used will depend on your budget, taste and whether you are willing to make cosmetic and mechanical upgrades if necessary. 

Benefits of a new boat include:

  • Getting exactly what you want
  • Benefiting from the latest technologies
  • A warranty to cover any issues

Benefits of a used boat include:

  • Getting more boat for your money compared to new
  • The ability to research the make, model and get real reviews before deciding
  • With a marine survey you can find out the condition and history of the vessel

This used boat buying checklist is a helpful starting point if you choose to buy second-hand.

  1. Where should I buy my boat from?

When looking for a new boat, you have a number of options of where to shop.

  • Boat Shows – If you are able to attend a boat show, you have the benefit of being able to see the models in person and there are usually special deals if you buy at the event. The downside is that you usually have to make a quick decision to get the bargain.
  • Dealers – Benefit from the knowledge and expertise of a dealer who can advise which models and features will best suit your needs. Dealers are able to assist with warranty coverage and services too.
  • Private sales – This is an option for more experienced boaters with the confidence to inspect and identify any issues with a vessel as private sales cannot be returned and have no warranty.

Always go out on a test drive if you can. Use the opportunity to check the boat’s facilities, equipment and handling.

  1. What is my budget?

Your budget for your boat purchase will undoubtedly have an impact on which vessel you end up buying. Additional and ongoing costs which you should be aware of before buying include:

  • Insurance – theft, damage and loss insurance 
  • Registration fees – if required for your vessel
  • Storage – purchase of a trailer or annual moorage / dry-storage fees. View Van Isle Marina’s storage fees here for an idea of the monthly or annual cost
  • Equipment and accessories – Personal safety gear, upgraded GPS, sports fishing gear – the required and desired extras can add up
  • Maintenance and repair – likely to be higher if you have a second hand boat with no warranty
  • Fuel / operating costs – fuel is likely to be your biggest ongoing cost depending on how far and how often you go out and how fuel efficient your engine is.

View Van Isle Marina’s 10 costs you must know before buying a boat guide for more information.

  1. What are the requirements of boat ownership and operation?

If you are buying a boat for the first time, make sure you educate yourself regarding the documents the federal government of Canada requires for boat ownership and operation. These include:

  • Pleasure Craft Licence – serves as ID for the vessel
  • Pleasure Craft Operators Card – an accredited online course and test is available 

Make sure you read and understand the Safe Boating Guide for information on operating vessels in Canadian waters, boating safety requirements and trip planning.

Buy Your Next Boat with the Support of Van Isle Marina’s Dealership Experts

Van Isle Marina’s highly experienced yacht sales team are keen to match buyers to the boat that is right for them.

As exclusive dealers for Pursuit Boats, buyers can discuss the many models with our sales team. We also act as broker for private sales, providing more options for our buyers.

Contact us today to set up a meeting with our sales team and start the search for your perfect boat.

Once you’ve found the yacht of your dreams, check out our moorage and storage options and all the other amazing facilities our state of the art marina offers.

Emergency Boating Kit Checklist

What Emergency and Safety Equipment Do You Need on Your Yacht?

An emergency boating kit should be on board with you at all times. All boaters know that nothing can be more relaxing than a day on the water, whether it’s an early morning fishing trip, an afternoon of sightseeing or a multi-day boat trip. After all, there’s nothing like the feel of the sea air on your face as you enjoy leisure time on your yacht or sailing boat.

However, experienced boaters also know that things can go wrong quickly; so it’s important to be prepared with the boat safety equipment and tools you might need in an unexpected incident.

Having a comprehensive boating emergency kit onboard your vessel will provide reassurance and practical assistance should anything unexpected happen such as:

  • Someone falling overboardBoating Equipment Kit Checklist cover image
  • A sick or injured passenger
  • A collision with another boat or stationery item like a rock
  • Your boat suffers a mechanical failure

What Do I Need in My Boat Emergency Kit?

There are some essential items that all marine emergency kits should contain. Transport Canada does require all boats to carry certain safety and emergency equipment which depends on the size of the vessel.


This includes:

  • Lifesaving appliances such as PFDs and flotation devices
  • Visual signals
  • Navigation equipment
  • Firefighting equipment

Find out what your specific vessel is required to carry by checking out the safe boating guide on the Transport Canada website.

What Do the Best Boating Emergency Kits Include?


When putting together your boating emergency kit, consider what you will need in each of the following categories:

  • Survival gear
  • Signaling equipment
  • Navigation tools
  • Safety gear
  • First Aid kit

Survival Gear: This is the equipment that will help you to survive should you or a passenger end up in the water and includes:

Flotation Devices: Life-jackets save lives in Canadian waters every year. Make sure you have enough lifejackets or PFDs for each person on board.  It is important that these fit well and meet Canadian standards.Check out this guide to choosing a lifejacket for more information.

Throwable Flotation Devices: All vessels over 9m long need to carry a lifebuoy attached to a buoyant line and a separate buoyant heaving line. You may also wish to include some throw cushions for extra options.

Signaling Tools

If you have an emergency on your personal watercraft you may need to get the attention of the coast guard or another vessel to help you. The best way to do this is to be highly visible and make a lot of noise:


Visual Distress Signals: Make sure your boat meets the requirements for day and night lights to ensure you are as visible as possible. Also carry at least one waterproof flashlight and flares, including light and smoke flares, as well as bright flags.

Sound Distress Signals: Make sure your horn and bell on your vessel are working and you know the international emergency sound signals. Also consider carrying an air horn and whistles for additional attention especially if you have to abandon ship and enter the water.

VHF Radio: Have a fitted or handheld VHF radio onboard which enables you to contact other nearby vessels and the coast guard. Learn and write down the emergency broadcast frequency in case you need it. Read about some of the best boat electronics on the market.

Navigation Tools

Knowing where you are and what is around you is important if you are in an emergency situation. 

Manual Navigation: Always carry a magnetic compass, charts and ruler so you can manually chart and track your location. Learn about the basics of marine navigation.

Electronic Navigation: Many boats have built-in GPS trackers which are useful for establishing your location. Radar systems will also help you to identify what is around you and whether another vessel is in your area. Both are available in portable versions if you do not have them built into your boat.

Emergency Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) which send out GPS distress signals when activated, can be a good way to keep track of someone who goes overboard.

Safety Gear


For general onboard safety, you should also include some of the following equipment in your boating emergency kit:

  • Fire extinguishers
  • Additional food and water
  • Manual bilge pump or bailing device
  • Small tool kit
  • Weather gear including raincoats or ponchos, a warm jacket, sunscreen and sun hat
  • Dry change of clothes
  • Waterproof matches
  • Knife sharp enough to cut rope
  • Batteries
  • Portable fuel tanks

First Aid Kit

Health emergencies can happen onboard a boat, some – such as nausea – are less serious but can ruin the enjoyment of the trip. Other health emergencies can be more serious.

Carrying a comprehensive first aid kit on board means you have the ability to help whatever the circumstances. Boat owners may wish to consider taking a first aid course through Canadian Red Cross or another recognized organization.

A good first aid kit should include:

  • Gauze, bandages and waterproof band-aids
  • Adhesive tape
  • Gloves
  • Scissors
  • Antiseptic
  • Pain relievers
  • Tweezers
  • Anti-histamines
  • Anti-nausea medication
  • Sunscreen
  • Spare prescription medications
  • Emergency blankets

Where Should I Store My Marine Emergency Kit?

The majority of your emergency kit can be stored together in a large waterproof container. Make sure the container is in an easily accessible position, not in the back of a storage hold or underneath other boxes, as you might need to get at it in a hurry.

Check your emergency kit and equipment each time you sail. Replace anything that is running low or past its use-by date.

Van Isle Marina – A Safe and Secure Place to Anchor Up 

Van Isle Marina, located in Sidney, BC, is one of the province’s largest full-service marinas. Our location makes us a great starting and finishing point for short or longer boating adventures. We offer short-stay, monthly and annual moorage options and offer first-class amenities including a marine fuel dock, boat haul-out and even a restaurant. 

You can store your emergency kit equipment and other personal items you don’t want to leave on your yacht in our secure, heated storage lockers. Visit us today in Tsehum Harbour or contact us to find out more about our marina and moorage options.