Marina Services and Amenities
Find out about all amenities including: marine fuel dock, boat haul-out, boat moorage, rates, dry storage, local business directory, and more.
Marine Fuel Dock
- Diesel, premium-grade gasoline and holding tank pump-out.
- Hours of Operation: 8am – 4:00pm daily 8am – 8:00pm daily summer hours
- Monitoring Channel 66A VHF
Marine Store
- Boating supplies from Chevron oils to additives, tackle to cruising guides, ice to snacks.
Holding Tank Pump-Out
- Please protect the environment. Located at fuel dock.

Boat Moorage
- Annual, Monthly & Nightly
- Metered electricity 15/30/50/100 Amp 120/208 Volt Shore Power

Yacht Park
Maintenance & Storage Facility
- 45 Ton Self-propelled Haul-out Trailer
- Power Washing, Bottom Painting, Zincs
- Full Service & Self Service
- Annual & Monthly Storage
- Security Card Access
- Trailer & Mast Storage
- Metered electricity 15/30/50/100 Amp 120/208 Volt Power Supply
- Hours of Operation: 8am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday
Yacht Detailing
- Cleaning, Waxing

Yacht Sales
- New, Brokerage & Pre-Owned Listings
- Pursuit Boats
Canada Customs
- Port of Entry
- Please call 1 888 CANPASS (1 888 226 7277)
Office Hours
- Providing concierge style service
- 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
- Summer: Daily
- Winter: Mon-Sat
- Closed until further notice, new restaurant coming soon!
Showers & Washrooms
- Newly renovated
- Use electronic mobile pass for entry.
- Showers electronic payment $0.75 / min, up to 15 min.
- Use electronic mobile pass for entry.
- $4 per wash. Machines accept $2, $1, and $0.25. Wash 25 min.
- $0.25 for three minutes for a dryer. Machines accept $2, $1, and $0.25. Dry 60 min.
- Detergent and change available in marina office.
Self-Serve Dog Wash
- Public access 7 am – 7 pm daily
- Use electronic mobile pass for entry after hours.
- Shampoo, conditioner, flea & tick treatment, dry and disinfectant all included in a cycle.
Dog Walk
- Located on the south side of Harbour Road in the large grass field.
Storage Lockers
- Available at marina in heated and secure building with 24 hr access.
Gas Fire Pit & Lounge Area
- Located beside our Marina Office and Sea Glass Waterfront Grill, with a beautiful ocean view.
Car Parking
- Provided for marina and restaurant guests.
- Please inquire for reserved parking and long-term vehicle or trailer storage.
Electric Vehicle Charging
- One Tesla Supercharger Station, available complimentary to marina guests
- Two metered EV charging stations through ChargePoint.
Launching Ramp
- Unlimited ramp access for marina guests.
Security Cameras
- Marina-wide Digital HD video surveillance.
Garbage & Recycling
- Located upland in the containers for disposal of galley trash, organics, and recyclables.
- Use electronic mobile pass for access.
Complimentary Taxi Vouchers
- Available via Sidney Taxi for provisioning trips to Sidney, and travel To and From: BC Ferries – Swartz Bay Terminal; Anacortes Ferry; and the Victoria International Airport.
Courtesy Bicycles
- Available to sign-out from the marina office during summer season.
Bicycle Parking
- Spaces available to marina guests for short-term storage only.
- Racks located in the upper car lot.
Grocery Service
- Delivered to the marina by Thrifty Foods.
Wireless Internet
- FREE WiFi available to marina guests.
Business Center
- Located in the marina office. Connect on-line with your laptop or use the computer provided.
Meeting Room
- Located in the marina office. Seating for 16 – $75 per hr. 4 hr minimum.
Business Services
- Photocopy services in marina office – $0.75 per page
Mail Service
- We accept special mail deliveries to the marina office. Ensure your package is pre-paid.
- For regular mail service please setup a P.O. Box at the Sidney Post Office, 2513 Beacon Ave.
Fishing Licenses
- Please visit Fisheries and Oceans Canada to apply for a Tidal Waters Fishing Licence.
- In the event of a snowfall, snow will be cleared from the parking lots and docks (but not boathouses). During the winter, always beware of ice and frost.
- During freezing temperatures the water is shut off on all docks. Please follow winter weather forecasts and ensure your tanks are full.
- Dial 911
Philbrook’s Boat Yard
Building, repairing and renovating power and sailing yachts since 1950. Two marine railways capable of hauling vessels up to 130 feet or 150 tons access Philbrook’s enclosed work areas.
Sea Power Marine Centre
Marine technicians specializing in diesel, inboard & outboard motors, stern drives, installations and repairs of yacht systems including Spectra Watermakers and Hurricane II Heating systems.
Royal Canadian Marine Search & Rescue
Saving lives on the water
Your donation helps the dedicated volunteers stay safe through better training, safer rescue boats, and proper equipment. The job cannot be done without you. Thank you for helping the RCMSAR save lives.