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Vancouver Island Flora
Flowers, Plants, and Trees on Vancouver Island
As you cruise around Vancouver Island and the neighbouring Gulf Islands of Canada’s west coast, you won’t be able to ignore the beautiful array of plant life surrounding you. Vancouver Island is a naturalist’s dream, with so many different types of flowers, plants, and trees growing from the rugged coastal shorelines to the deepest, lushest rainforests.
Here is a quick look at some of the flora you’re likely to spot while boating in the Pacific Northwest around Vancouver Island.
Trees on Vancouver Island
Vancouver Island is home to some of the largest trees and most impressive old-growth forests in the world—well worth a day trip inland. Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park features some of the world’s largest and oldest Spruce and Cedar trees. Easier to access, though much busier — is Cathedral Grove in MacMillan Provincial Park with towering Douglas Firs that reach up to 9 metres in circumference.
Sitka Spruce: An iconic image on the West Coast, the Sitka Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree with thin, scaly bark. It can be identified by its flat, sharp needles and 5-9 cm long cones that range from yellowish brown to reddish brown.
Western Red Cedar: The Provincial tree of BC, the Western Red Cedar is another evergreen coniferous tree. For many years, the Native groups of Vancouver Island have used lumber and pliable bark for making everything from clothing to dugout canoes. This tree prefers a cool, coastal climate and can live up to 1,000 years.
Douglas Fir: Actually a type of pine, the Douglas Fir has bright yellowish-green needles, and can be identified by the spiral pattern of needles on the twigs. The cones are typically a purplish-brown colour, with an interesting pattern of rounded scales and three-pronged “bracts” which look almost like the back legs and tails of little mice.
Arbutus: The eye-catching Arbutus is a broadleaf evergreen which can be easily identified by its crooked stature, reddish, peeling bark and smooth leaves. Arbutus prefer sun and dry soil and grow along rocky bluffs and outcrops. White bell-shaped flowers bloom in late spring, and an orange, waxy fruit appears in the fall.
Garry Oak: The only native oak species in the province, it’s quite rare and found only along the Pacific Northwest and in California. Like the Arbutus, it prefers dry, rocky hillsides and plenty of sun. Also like the Arbutus, it has a twisted, dramatic looking trunk and branches. In the fall, the tree produces small acorns, and its shiny green leaves turn yellow.
Flowers on Vancouver Island
Wild ginger: This groundcover has shiny green heart-shaped leaves. One flower, ranging in colour from deep red to light green, grows between two of these leaves. This plant is commonly found in forested areas and is named for the strong gingery taste of its roots.
Oceanspray: Typically about 3-10 feet high, Oceanspray is a dramatic shrub with cascades of white/cream coloured blossoms. It can grow just about anywhere—from dry rocky soil to the moist rainforest. Its wood is known as ironwood since it becomes stronger when heated in fire.
Nootka Rose: A perennial beauty, this plant grows 2-10 feet high and can be very invasive. It produces plenty of pink flowers that fill the air with a delicate floral scent, as well as rosehips that can be used to make teas, jams, or jellies.
Western Trillium: Trilliums on the West Coast take up to 10 years to bloom and flourish in the spring. The older the plant gets, the deeper the three-petaled blossom becomes, changing from white to pink to a deep burgundy.
Pacific Bleeding Heart: With fern-like leaves and heart-shaped flowers, this plant typically grows 10-20 inches tall and can be found blooming in late spring, surrounded by ferns. A great source of food for hummingbirds and butterflies, it grows at sea level and midway up mountains.
Plants on Vancouver Island
Salal: An evergreen shrub and traditional food plant, salal is found near the coast all the way into the deepest rainforests. The edible dark berries can be eaten fresh or used to make jams and jellies. It’s also a top pick for florists, with a thick, waxy green leaf that retains its colour long after cutting.
Sword Fern: Invasive but beautiful, this evergreen grows up to 5 feet tall and each plant spreads to about 4 feet wide. Its textured green fronds grow in a triangular shape and cover the shaded forest floor.
Sea Asparagus: Found on calm shorelines growing between rocks, this perennial has fleshy stems that reach up to 30 cm long. Like many plant species found in the Pacific Northwest, it can also be used in all kinds of recipes, and is typically pickled and paired with seafood.
Kinnikinnik (Bear Berry): A low evergreen shrub with rounded leaves, this plant is found in dryer areas and grows up to a maximum of 15 cm high. It produces white/pink flowers in the spring and red berries in the winter, but these dry, mealy berries are best left to the birds and bears.
Coastal Strawberry: Native to the Pacific Northwest, this plant looks like a typical garden strawberry plant, but the small, juicy berries are a lot sweeter, making them a great treat if you’re out for a hike in the woods. For a true Coastal Strawberry, look for white blossoms and red fruit with yellow seeds.
Tall Oregon Grape: Up to 8 feet tall, these plants resemble holly, with their shiny, spiked leaves, but the resemblance ends there. The leaves change to a bronze or purple colour in the winter, and it produces clusters of bright yellow flowers as well as sour dark blue berries in the spring and summer months.
These are just a few of the hundreds of species that can be spotted on the coast and surrounding woodlands. Though many are edible, please use caution and be sure you can identify the plant first. To learn more, there are plenty of great guides both in print and online that list the many native plants on the West Coast.
At Van Isle Marina, we have decades of experience out on the water and have spotted plenty of the plants listed above, both from shoreline excursions, and from the decks of our motor boats and yachts.
Come and see us – we are your Pacific Northwest boating experts and will be happy to show you around our docks!
Anchors Part 2 – Anchoring Your Boat
A Guide to Anchoring Your Boat
Learn what is involved when it comes time to anchor your motor yacht
Knowing how to anchor your boat when necessary is an essential boating skill. In part two of our two-part post on anchoring, we’ll provide some tips & tricks on how to anchor your boat.
How to Anchor Your Boat
There are three main components to anchoring a boat, including:
- Choosing the right anchor
- Choosing a suitable place to anchor
- Dropping the anchor
Choosing the Right Anchor
We covered how to choose the right anchor in Part One of our two-part series on anchoring. To recap, there are several types of anchors available, and it’s important to pick the right kind based on the type of seabed you’ll be covering (sand, rock, seaweed, coral, etc.). Choosing the right anchor has more to do with the seabed below than the size of your vessel.
Choosing the Best Spot to Anchor
A big component of anchoring your boat successfully is knowing where to best anchor the boat so it is safe and secure. Doing so comes down to good old-fashioned intuition, as well as knowing what’s below you. Let’s jump right into it…
First, refer to your charts to know the depth of the water below. Aim for a flat bottom that is suitable for your anchor type. In a perfect world, you end up finding a spot that is soft and weed-free, where the water is calm and there isn’t a lot of wind.
If the area is crowded with other boaters, you’ll also need to be mindful of other boats in the area, making sure your boat’s swing radius won’t intersect with other boats. If possible, ask other boat owners where their anchors are dropped and how long their rodes are if you can’t tell.
Measuring Your Rode
To know if you have enough rode to anchor securely, measure the depth at your desired location from your bow (not the water surface) to the bottom, and multiply by 7, or by 5 is you have a heavier, all-chain rode.
The resulting number is the scope, and it refers to the ratio between the length of your rode and the distance from the bow to the bottom. The scope indicates approximately how far your boat will drift from your anchor. Increase your scope to 10:1 or more for stormy conditions. The longer the scope, the more horizontal your rode is, and the more tightly you will be anchored.
Knowing that if the wind or current changes, your boat could swing every which way from the anchor point, so keep a wide berth from all obstacles (a complete radius from the anchor point). Before dropping anchor, double check there are no hidden shallow areas within your anchor radius.
Also remember to check the weather and tide information so you’re not caught off-guard. If high winds are expected in the time you’ll be anchored, or if a loose anchor could cause a collision with other anchored boats in the area, use your heavier storm anchor. For most situations, your general purpose main anchor will be enough. In extremely rough seas, consider anchoring both your bow and your stern if possible.
Dropping Anchor
With the perfect spot selected, it’s time to drop your anchor. Approach your selected spot slowly from downwind and stop the boat when you’re on top of the selected spot. Allow the current or wind to move you back slightly away from the spot.
Before dropping anchor, determine and let out how much rode you’ll need, then use a cleat hitch to tie it at that distance. Drop your anchor over the bow slowly, keeping the anchor rode tight at first to avoid tangling your rode. This also helps you aim the anchor until you feel it hit bottom. Slowly let out the rode at about the same speed as the boat is moving.
Once one-third of the rode has been let out, cinch it off and let the boat straighten. Your boat will probably turn across the current or wind as you move. This will straighten the rode you’ve let out and gently set the anchor into the bottom. If your boat won’t straighten out, your anchor is drifting and you need to try again. Pick another spot if possible, if multiple attempts fail.
Continue to let out the scope and straighten the boat twice more. Uncinch the anchor rode and let it out as the boat once again drifts backward. Cinch it again once a total of 2/3 the rode length has been played out. Let the boat’s momentum straighten it out and set the anchor more firmly. Repeat this process one more time, letting out the rest of the rode length you determined was necessary.
Tie off the line around a bow cleat and voila!
Snubbing the Anchor
To further ensure you’re anchored, you can give the anchor a final hard set by reversing hard until the rode straightens out. This sudden jerk will jam an already set anchor even more firmly into the seabed. This is called snubbing the anchor.
Making Sure You’re Anchored
To make sure you’ve anchored successfully, select a couple of stationary reference points on land. Note their positions relative to each other from your perspective, then reverse your boat until the rode straightens and allow your boat to drift back to a stationary position. The two objects you had your eye on should be in the same position relative to each other as they were before you reversed.
For peace of mind, we recommend taking compass bearings immediately after anchoring, and then 15-20 minutes after anchoring to make sure you’re anchored. For even more peace of mind, many GPS units have an alarm to alert you if you drift.
Anchoring Safety Tips
- Be careful your hands or feet don’t get caught in the rode.
- Wear a personal flotation device when dropping or retrieving an anchor.
- Instruct passengers whenever you’ll be anchoring.
- Keep kids and animals out of the anchoring area.
- When using more than one anchor, do not drop an anchor from the stern before anchoring the bow – doing so could cause your boat to capsize.
- To make sure you stay anchored during an overnight trip, try to find a stationary object that is lit to use as a reference point. Otherwise, use a GPS unit that will alert you if you start to drift.
Learn More: See how anchoring is different than mooring and docking.
To learn even more about anchoring your boat, we recommend talking to your local boating experts. The team here at Van Isle Marina in Sidney, BC are here to help you anchor your new boat with confidence. Give us a call or stop by to learn more about how we can help you develop your boating skills.
Boat Access Only Tourist Spots
Best Boat Only Destinations Around Vancouver Island
Who doesn’t love the beauty and serenity that a secluded beach, only accessible by boat, provides? At Van Isle Marina, we love spending days or weeks at a time aboard our boats exploring the Pacific Northwest, particularly the many islands and coves around Vancouver Island.
Sometimes, the best places are stumbled upon by accident, when you weren’t even looking for them, but there are a few places that should definitely be on your boating bucket list. Here are our top places around Vancouver Island that you can only get to by boat:
Snake Island
Snake Island, about 6 km from Nanaimo’s Departure Bay, is a small, uninhabited island that’s popular with kayakers and canoers. Directly in the path of BC Ferries, be on high alert when navigating this region. Snake Island offers amazing diving experiences, a little lighthouse, a large population of harbour seals, beautiful sandstone overhangs, and great birdwatching opportunities.
Rugged Point Marine Park
If you’re looking for plenty of park amenities such as camping, canoeing, fishing, windsurfing, and hiking, check out Rugged Point. This provincial park is located on the west coast of northern Vancouver Island on the southwest end of Kyuquot Channel in the mouth of Kyuquot Sound. There are a variety of safe places to anchor at Rugged Point, or in nearby Dixie Cove, making this a popular destination for boaters.
Clayoquot Wilderness Resort
For a night or two on land, consider a stay at the seasonally-operated Clayoquot Wilderness Resort – an “all-inclusive eco-safari resort” about 30 minutes by boat from Tofino. At this wilderness retreat you get the chance to stay in one of 25 great white canvas, fully-equipped prospector-style tents, and enjoy artfully prepared coastal gourmet cuisine, a spa and more.
Broken Island Group
The Broken Group of Islands in the middle of Barkley Sound is nestled in the Alberni Inlet and close to the Pacific Rim National Park – one of Canada’s most acclaimed parks. Allow several days of boating here, where you’ll enjoy 50 kilometers of fine sand beaches at the national park before or after exploring the Broken Group Islands. If you’re into fishing, check out Eagle Nook Resort for world-class, all-inclusive salmon and fishing charters. Located amongst the Broken Group of Islands and accessible only by boat or seaplane, this remote 5-star fishing vacation is certainly something you’ll want to add to your itinerary.
Grant Bay
Grant Bay, located on the northwest coast of Vancouver Island near Port Hardy, is a white sand secluded beach that technically can be accessed by a drive and a hike, but we believe it’s much more fun to bypass all that by using a boat.
To get there from Winter Harbour, where there is a boat launch if need be, bear right at Mathews Island, continue up the inlet, bear left, tie up safely on the beach and follow the trail through the forest about 30 minutes. You’re there when you see a wide expanse of West Coast sandy beach. You might also see whales and sea otters, both of which are common in the area.
Sandy Island
Sandy Island Marine Park, known locally as Tree Island, is located on the northern tip of Denman Island. Access is boat-only, or by foot from Denman Island at low tide. Sandy Island offers great birdwatching and sandy beaches suitable for sunbathing and swimming.
Ahousaht, located in a small bay on the east side of Flores Island in Clayoquot Sound, is the largest of the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations with more than 2,000 members. At Ahousaht you’ll also find the Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve, home to a diverse ecosystem and a rare ancient temperate rain forest. Take a reprieve from life at sea. Moor the boat and take a stay at the Aauuknuk Lodge or the Lone Cone Hostel and Campground located on Meares Island.
Vargas Island Provincial Park
Vargas Island Provincial Park in Clayoquot Sound is located immediately northwest of Tofino and west of Meares Island on the west coast of Vancouver Island. This park offers great paddling, camping, and wildlife viewing. Also be on the lookout for Gray whales around Ahous Bay in the spring.
On the shorelines of Vargas Island, you’ll see an exposed rocky coast, sandy beaches, sheltered channels and bays, an intertidal lagoon, and ancient sand berms – rows of crescent-shaped sand mounds that indicate earlier sea levels.
Desolation Sound Marine Provincial Park
Chances are you’ve already heard about or been to Desolation Sound Marine Provincial Park – a boater’s paradise, with its calm waters, vistas, and more than 60 km of shoreline to discover. There are three major destination anchorages that make up Desolation Sound: Prideaux Haven, Tenedo’s Bay and Grace Harbour. This place is popular, but there is plenty of room for everyone.
Refuge Cove
Refuge Cove in the heart of Desolation Sound is a remote community of around 30 full-time residents with a great summertime burger joint, general store, and campsites. They also offer free four-hour moorage, or overnight stays for a small fee.
Roscoe Bay and Squirrel Cove
While near Desolation Sound, we also recommend visiting nearby Roscoe Bay and Squirrel Cove, both northwest of Desolation. Note that swimming in Roscoe Bay isn’t recommended. Instead, take a 1-2 hour hike and enjoy a freshwater swim at nearby Black Lake.
Lasqueti Island
Lasqueti Island lies off the east coast of Vancouver Island in the Powell River Regional District. It has a population of around 500 people who all live off-grid. There are no public campgrounds on the island, but there are numerous provincial parks on the perimeters of the island, including Squitty Bay Provincial Park. The waters around this area are ideal for cold water scuba diving.
Protection Island
Protection Island, about a 15-minute ferry ride from the harbour city of Nanaimo, is home to around 350 full-time residents. The main mode of transportation on the island is golf carts. On Protection Island you’ll definitely have to check out the Dinghy Dock pub, which is Canada’s only floating pub. There are also tons of beaches and wildlife viewing opportunities on this small island.
New Castle and Gabriola Islands
Also in the Nanaimo area is New Castle Island, a popular place for kayakers who are launching from Nanaimo, and Gabriola Island, or Isle of the Arts, which is a small town of around 4,000 people, including many artists.
Mudge Island
Between Vancouver Island and Gabriola Island you’ll also find Mudge Island, a small island with 50-65 full-time residents and a public park (South Beach), but no ferry service or stores. Mudge is on the northern tip of Dodd Narrows, which means strong currents, whirlpools and back eddies, so proceed with caution! Also be mindful of the reef running through nearby False Narrows.
Hot Springs Cove
Hot Springs Cove in Maquinna Provincial Park northwest of Tofino in Clayoquot Sound – a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve – are geothermal hot springs backed by amazing scenery. To access the hot springs, anchor the boat and then enjoy a 2km walk along well-maintained boardwalks and wooden stairs through lush rainforest to get to the natural hot springs. There, you can take a long soak.
Additional Destinations Recommended by Pacific Yachting
In addition to the items on our list, check out Pacific Yachting’s 7 Best Boat-Access-Only Beaches in the Gulf Islands, which features:
- Sidney Spit Marine Park at the north end of Sidney Island in Haro Strait, just a few nautical miles from Van Isle Marina.
- Dionisio Provincial Park at the northern tip of Galiano Island.
- Savary Island in the middle of the Strait of Georgia between Powell River and Campbell River
- Blackberry Point on Valdes Island.
- Tent Island at the southern tip of Penelakut Island.
- Cabbage Island near the east end of Saturna Island.
- Tribune Bay Beach on Hornby Island.
The boating experts here at Van Isle Marina are very familiar with these and many other great destinations for boating in the Pacific Northwest. We’d also love to hear about the places you love boating around Vancouver Island! We look forward to welcoming you to our docks and helping you find the best new or pre-owned boat or yacht to match your boating lifestyle.
Anchor Types – Part 1
Different Types of Anchors
Learn about the different styles of anchors and how to select the right anchor for your motor yacht
Knowing how to anchor your boat when necessary is an essential boating skill. In part one of our two-part post on anchoring, we share an introduction to selecting the right anchor for your boat.
Anchoring Your Boat
Anchoring your boat refers to securing it in place in the open sea for hours, days, or months at a time without the use of a dock or a moor. (See our guide to understanding the differences between anchoring, docking, and mooring). There are many instances when you might need to anchor a boat, including:
- Spending the night at sea
- During stormy weather
- Taking a fishing or swimming break
- Getting fueled up
- Retiring the boat for the season
- Relaxing to enjoy the scenery
How Many Anchors Do You Need?
Anchoring your boat involves dropping a large heavy object that is attached to your boat into the water, where it latches itself to the seabed with hooks and suction to keep the boat in place. You can anchor your boat anywhere you’re legally allowed to if you have an anchor cable, known as an anchor rode, that’s long enough (multiply the depth of your desired location – from the top of your bow to the bottom of the seabed – by 7, or by 5 if you have a heavier, all-chain rode to determine the scope).
Most luxury motor yachts come with built-in anchoring systems located at the bow and concealed from view, which takes the guesswork out of which size and weight of anchor is best for your vessel, but if you’ll be anchoring in rough seas and/or varying types of sea beds, we recommend carrying an additional anchor or two of varying styles and sizes.
For example, your boat’s main anchor is a great, all-purpose anchor for extended periods. However, if you’ll be making frequent stops and anchoring often, an anchor one or two sizes smaller that’s easy to deploy and pull up would be considered an asset.
Likewise, a storm anchor one or two sizes larger would provide more peace of mind during rough weather or for overnight stops. In addition, it’s always good to have at least one heavy backup in case you lose an anchor, or for situations where it’s wise to use two anchors.
Choosing the right anchor
There are several different types of boating anchors available. Each one is designed for various types of sea beds (i.e., mud, grass, sand, coral, or rock). The type of seabed you’re navigating will determine which anchor is most suitable to use. For motor yachts in the Pacific Northwest, a fluke/Danforth anchor is considered a general-purpose anchor. Carrying both a fluke anchor and a scoop style anchor is recommended.
Fluke Anchors
The modern fluke anchor, also called the Lightweight or Danforth, works in both soft mud and hard sand. Once made out of iron, today’s fluke anchors are aluminum, lightweight and consist of two flat, pointed, pivoting flukes that extend at a 30º angle from the anchor rod. Fluke anchors stow flat and have an excellent holding-power-to-weight ratio. Fluke anchors are those iconic-looking anchors most recognized by the general population (i.e. non-boaters). They are not suitable for grassy or rocky surfaces.
Plow and Scoop Anchors
Plow or scoop anchors are single point anchors that are good for grass, mud, and sand. Similar to fluke anchors, both plow and scoop anchors are heavier and have a plow-shaped wedge attached by a swivel to the shaft.
Mushroom Anchors
Shaped like an upside-down mushroom, mushroom anchors don’t have any way of gripping the seabed; rather, they are heavy and burrow under sediment, which is where their holding power comes from. Mushroom anchors should only be used for small boats like inflatable boats, rowboats, and canoes in heavily weeded areas for short stops only.
Specialized Anchors
Additional anchors on the market include the Grapnel, Herreshoff anchors, Delta, and Claw:
- Grapnel: a shank with four or more tines small enough to hook into rocky bottoms. Best used in rocky bottoms.
- Herreshoff: has small diamond shaped flukes or palms and can be stowed in 3 pieces.
- Delta: a plow anchor with a rigid, arched shank that is self-launching.
- Admiralty or Fisherman Anchor: the classic anchor design that consists of a central shank with a ring or shackle for attaching the rode.
- Bruce or claw anchor: a claw-shaped anchor that is a variation of the plow design intended to have more staying power. Best used in rocky bottoms.
If you’re unsure of what style of anchor is best for your boat, always consult with a boating expert. One of our boating experts at Van Isle Marina will be happy to answer your questions.
Anchor Weight
The size of anchor you’ll need for your vessel will be specified by the boat’s manufacturer. Note that for larger boats, a working anchor and a storm anchor are recommended, with the storm anchor being twice as heavy as the working anchor. For 30’ boats, a working anchor weight of 700 lbs is recommended, and for 60’ boats, that number jumps to 2,000 lbs for the working anchor.
We recommend using a larger anchor than specified if there is an unusual amount of weight being carried on your boat. The physical size of the anchor and its type is more important than its weight, but always go for a larger anchor when in doubt.
Anchor Quality: Although they might not seem like it, anchors are an important piece of safety equipment – always buy high-quality anchors. If you are buying a pre-owned anchor, inspect it for rust, poor welding lines, and other inconsistencies in the metal.
Deck Cleats and Rollers: You also need to have the right type of deck cleats or anchor rollers for your anchors. If you may have a bow roller mounted on your boat already, just know that each roller is only suitable for specific types of anchors. If you don’t have an anchor housing on your boat already, make sure you have strong, sturdy deck cleats for tying the anchor to.
Anchor Chain or Rope?
With your anchor selection made, it’s time to pick the anchor line you’ll attach your anchor to. This line is called the anchor rode, and is typically metal chain, nylon rope, or a combination of the two.
Metal Chain is more expensive but requires less replacement over the years. It also helps to drop the anchor more quickly.
Nylon is strong, easy to manipulate, and relatively cheap to use. It also works well during sudden wind and current changes. However, it can snag or tear more easily and need to be replaced more often than chain.
Many boaters opt for using a combination of both materials and are more concerned with having the rode be of sufficient diameter. For example, aim for nylon rope should be 3/16″ (4.8mm) in diameter for a vessel under 10′ (3m) in length and 3/8″ (9.5mm) for a vessel under 20′ (6m). Increase the diameter by an additional eighth of an inch for each additional 10 feet of your vessel length.
When you buy a boat or yacht through Van Isle Marina, our boating experts will help familiarize you with your yacht’s anchoring system, so you feel confident you are prepared for anything when out on the water.
Give us a call or stop by to learn more about how we can help you develop your boating skills.
Types of Fishing Lines
Different Types of Fishing Lines and Their Uses
An overview of the different types of fishing lines and how to select the right line for the right fish
At Van Isle Marina, we know using the right fishing line for specific fishing conditions is an essential part of catching fish! All anglers must learn this fact early on in order to be successful. In this post intended for beginner fishermen, we will go over the main types of fishing line available: monofilament, braid, and fluorocarbon, highlighting the pros and cons of each.
Need a fishing boat? Check out our best boats for fishing guide.
What is Fishing Line?
Fishing line is long threaded material (usually nylon, silk or wire,) used with a fishing rod to catch and reel in fish. It is what is cast from the rod, flies through the air, and ultimately lands down into the depths of the water. Fishing line comes in different materials and strengths – each offering pros and cons – and is the material that comes spooled on a reel (usually a spinning reel or a baitcaster reel).
Monofilament Fishing Line
Monofilament fishing line, or “mono” is the most basic and most common fishing line out there. Made out of nylon extruded in a single, continuous filament and left untwisted, monofilament fishing line is a good all-around line that is smooth and a bit stretchy. It also floats, which can be an advantage or disadvantage, depending on your application. Pre-spooled reels are usually spooled with monofilament.
In addition to monofilament fishing line there is also thermal filament fishing line, which is a higher-performance line that is produced by thermal bonding of small fibers. This type of line has a smaller diameter per pound test than monofilament. It is also a bit more expensive and less readily available.
When to Use Monofilament Fishing Line
Monofilament fishing line can be used on a spinning reel or a baitcaster reel. It is best for fishing in freshwater, inshore, nearshore, or off a pier using either a spinning or baitcaster rod and reel. It’s also a great fishing line for small and large native fish species like trout and salmon, as well as flathead, small tuna, kingfish and snapper. Generally, when fishing on a lake, lighter and more sensitive line is ideal, as casting is a more active style of fishing and the targeted species are smaller.
Pros of Monofilament Fishing Line
- Affordable, readily available
- Less expensive than other lines
- Stretches can absorb shocks
- Abrasion-resistant
- Uniformly round so it spools neatly
- Easy to tie knots with
- Available in special shades of colours such as clear, blue, white, green, red, and fluorescent so the angler can see its position in the water, but the fish cannot.
Cons of Monofilament Fishing Line
- Not as strong as other types of line, yet takes up more room on the spool
- Its nylon material breaks down over time in direct sunlight
- More visible in the water than other types, regardless of the chosen colour or shade
- The stretch makes it difficult to feel some fish strikes
- Susceptible to “line memory”, which is when the line “remembers” the shape of the reel it is stored on. Line memory can cause knotting in the reel and could negatively impact casting distance. In contrast, lines with no memory stay straight when they come off the spool, enabling longer, smoother casts.
Braided Fishing Line
Braided fishing line, also made of synthetic plastic fibers such as nylon or more specialty materials like Dacron, see below), is stronger than monofilament line and is therefore more common for fishing larger species. It also has no stretch, which allows anglers to feel every move the fish makes on the end of their line.
Braided lines entered the market in the early 1900s to replace horsehair lines. In earlier days, natural fibers such as cotton, linen, and silk were used for braided lines. These materials have now been largely replaced with synthetic plastic fibers.
When to Use Braided Fishing Line
Braided fishing line is best used during saltwater game fishing, such as offshore trolling of marlin, large tuna, sharks, and large kingfisher. Avoid braided line when some line stretch is actually preferred, such as when trolling for soft-mouthed fish like salmon. Some stretch can act like a shock absorber, making a big difference in successfully hooking a soft-mouthed fish.
Pros of Braided Fishing Line
- Very strong despite a smaller diameter, so you can pack more line on the spool
- Sinks faster and casts farther
- Doesn’t break down in sunlight
- Less visible to the fish than monofilament line
- No stretch allows you to feel when a fish bite
- No stretch allows for better lure movement
- No “line memory”, which can lead to greater casting distances
Cons of Braided Fishing Line
- Strong, so it’s more difficult to cut
- Slippery, so knots are trickier to master
- Less abrasion-resistant than monofilament
- Can weigh down your rod
- More expensive than mono line
Fluorocarbon Fishing Line
Like monofilament, fluorocarbon fishing line is also extruded in a single strand similar, but fluorocarbon molecules are more tightly packed, so the line is denser and noticeably heavier by size than nylon. Fluorocarbon refers to a broad family of compounds, including organics comprised of fluorine, chlorine and carbon, along with synthetics made from hydrocarbons. However, when it comes to fishing line, we’re looking at a material associated with polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF).
When to Use Fluorocarbon Fishing Line
Because it sinks easily, this type of fishing line is great for bottom fishing, such as jigging or bottom bouncing. Also, because it has a bit of stretch but not too much, it’s suitable for trolling.
By and far, fluorocarbon fishing line is most commonly used as leaders (a short length of heavier test fishing line that attaches to the main line at one end, and the hook or lure at the other). Leaders can be helpful in increasing your chances of hooking and keeping fish, while preventing you from having to cast a whole spool’s worth of heavier material.
Pros of Fluorocarbon Fishing Line
- Practically invisible to the fish
- Less stretchy than monofilament line
- Very abrasion-resistant, water-resistant, and dense
- Sinks extremely fast in the water, so there is less slack and it’s easier to get your lure at the depth you want.
- More sensitive, so you can easily feel the lightest bites and even your lure ticking bottom.
- When used as a leader, it can help reduce line fray from the fish’s mouth.
Cons of Fluorocarbon Fishing Line
- Stiffer, very prone to line memory
- Least manageable of the fishing lines
- More expensive than other types of lines
- Different brands offering a range of qualities
- Typing knots requires moistening the line first
Dacron, Spectra & Dyneema
In addition to the types of fishing line mentioned above, it’s important to note that there are more materials than ever before being used to create fishing lines. Nylon remains the most popular and cost-effective material for fishing line, but newer materials such as Dacron, Spectra, and Dyneema are available, particularly for braided lines.
- Dacron was created by DuPont (the same creators of nylon) in the late 1950s just 20 years after nylon was invented. It’s a long-chain polyester that is a slight improvement over nylon in terms of its strength, flexibility and low stretch.
- Spectra and Dyneema are modern brand names for ultra-strong polyethylene fiber used for high-tech fishing line. Spectra and Dyneema are stronger than steel and more durable than polyester but come with a higher price tag. These materials can be worth the extra price, though, as they reduce the weight of your tackle while increasing the amount of line that fits onto the spool. They offer more sensitivity, abrasion resistance and knot strength, with low stretch and almost no line memory.
Wire Fishing Line
Wire, either single strand or braided, can also be used as fishing line. Wire fishing line can be especially helpful in catching fish when used as a leader material for fishing toothy fish like mackerel and tuna. Wire is also used during trolling when reaching deeper depths is important. When fishing with wire, you’ll require specialized, hardened spools for your reels.
Line Strength
Whether it’s monofilament or braided, fishing line is sold in different strength ratings (referred to as “tests”, short for tensile strength or tensile testing). The strength of fishing line is measured in pounds and should match up with the weight of the species of fish you are going after. For example, a braided line with a 30-pound test or more would be ideal for large game fish, whereas a 5-pound test would be suitable for trout.
If your line is too light, it might be difficult to cast or it might break when you’re reeling in a heavy load. Worse yet, too heavy a line can break a lightweight rod.
General Fishing Line Tips & Tricks
- If you’re frequently fishing heavy cover, check your line regularly for nicks, creases and other imperfections that tend to lead to backlashing or less than perfect casts.
- Always buy and have on hand more line than you think you are going to need. You’ll probably find you go through a lot more than you think.
- When storing your fishing line, especially nylon line, protect it from harmful UV rays that can ultimately weaken its strength over time. If in doubt, start with a fresh spool every season.
- Use genuine perfected knots no matter what type of line you’re using to minimize the loss of line strength in the knot area.
- Try to match your type of line to your class of rod and reel (spinning vs. baitcaster).
- A fishing line is only as useful as the quality of the knots that are used to attach your lures and bait, so match sure there is enough strength at the knots.
- If you’ll be casting frequently, opt for smooth, light lines that come off the spool easier, which enables more accurate casts over longer distances.
Looking for a new boat or yacht to start casting lines from? Van Isle Marina has a wide range of yacht services and yachts for sale moored at our docks. Take a look at our selection online or come and see us in person. We are located at 2320 Harbour Road in Sidney, British Columbia near Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal.
Buying a Pre-Owned Yacht
A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying a Used Boat
Learn the steps involved when purchasing a pre-owned yacht or boat through a yacht broker.
If you’re in the market for a new boat and are looking to keep the costs down, the best place to start is pre-owned boats. From the yacht brokers at Van Isle Marina, here is our step-by-step guide to buying a pre-owned boat.
Step 1: Decide on the Right Type of Boat for Your boating needs
There are many different types of yachts available, including sailing yachts, motor yachts, sports yachts, cruising yachts, fishing yachts, and more. To narrow down what’s right for you, consider the following questions a yacht broker will likely ask you:
- Are you looking for a sailing yacht or a motor yacht?
- Will you be using the yacht for fishing, watersports, cruising, entertaining, or a combination?
- Will you be using the boat for short day trips, long-range cruising, or both?
- How important are things like speed and power?
- Do you plan on frequently sleeping or living on your boat?
- Will you be on your boat for days, weeks, or months at a time?
- Do you plan on having a lot of guests spending nights on board?
- What is your level of boating experience?
- Will you be comfortable navigating a larger vessel, or an older vessel that might require more maintenance?
Step 2: Storage Considerations for your New Boat
In addition to the above questions, another thing to consider is where you plan on keeping your boat. Will it be in your driveway, at your own dock, or in a marina, for example?
If you’ll be docking or mooring your boat, you will need to consider the bridge height limitations, depth and draft considerations, and slip length and width maximums of where you plan on storing your boat when it’s not in use.
With answers to the above questions in mind, it’s time to read up on what boats and yachts are available or visit marinas in person to walk the docks and truly get a feel of the many sensational options out there. Another option is to skip ahead to contacting a yacht broker directly, who can help you start your search from the get-go.
Step 3: Budgeting for your New Boat
As is the case with all big purchases, it’s best to have an idea of what you can realistically afford before starting your search for your perfect vessel. If it’s your first time buying a yacht, our team of brokers will advise you on the costs associated with yacht ownership, including insurance fees, fuel consumption rates, moorage fees, extended warranties, and general maintenance. All of these factors will have a bearing on your overall boating budget.
Generally, when it comes to staying within budget, it’s often a trade-off between the boat’s size and the boat’s age – and not necessarily all of its luxury options. For example, for the same amount of money, you can get more luxury features in a smaller boat of the same age than you would in a larger boat of the same age.
Oftentimes, for newer boaters, the smaller and more updated the model, the better, as it instills confidence in navigating the vessel. The bigger the boat, the bigger the budget must become, plain and simple. At Van Isle Marina, we offer multiple financing options with full transparency and zero early payout or pre-payment restrictions. Know that the terms for boating financing are typically longer than those that are arranged for cars, aligning more with mortgage timelines – they typically range from 12 to 20 years.
Step 4: Looking at Pre-Owned Boats
Once you have a better idea of what you’re looking for, the next step is locating some boats to tour. A yacht broker can help you find the best deals, and many times can locate boats from far and wide that meet all your wish list, even if that boat isn’t officially on the market yet, or at their home marina yet.
At Van Isle Marina, if we don’t currently have what you’re looking for moored at our docks, we will search high and low to find you exactly the make and model you’re after. Our yacht brokers achieve this through their extensive connections with dealers, wholesalers and clients throughout the boating industry.
Like buying a house, yacht brokers will set up showings on your behalf. They can advise on a boat’s condition and flag anything that looks problematic. As with everything you purchase, you might find the right boat right away, or have to look at many options before deciding to make an offer.
Step 5: Making an Offer on a Yacht for Sale
When you find something that ticks all your boxes, making an offer on a yacht for sale is the next step. It might feel hasty at first, but it’s the best way to get ahead of others who are interested. Making an offer on a pre-owned yacht is just like putting down an offer on a house. You need to:
- state your offer amount,
- state your contingencies or subjects, and
- state your timelines.
Your yacht broker will assist with all formal contracts. At this point it is recommended to have put a 10% deposit down, which your yacht broker holds in escrow, to demonstrate to the seller that your offer is serious.
Step 6: Getting a Yacht Surveyed
One of the contingencies of a used boat sale is having the boat undergo a marine survey. This step is not mandatory but is highly encouraged. Think of this step as a home inspection, where the condition of the vessel is surveyed from bow to stern. Typically, your broker will supply you with a list of approved surveyors – ones that are reputable and known to do a thorough and complete job. There are varying degrees of boat surveys available, for example, more thorough surveys are recommended for older boats, for example, while basic surveys are fine for boats still under warranty.
During a thorough survey, all hands are on deck looking at all of the vessel’s systems in addition to having a certified engine mechanic or surveyor look at the main engines, transmissions and generators with oil samples.
If the yacht you’re looking at has gyros, stabilizer fins, a high-tech integrated entertainment center, and more, choose to have a technician who specializes in that equipment inspecting the vessel as well.
This survey is at your expense (approximately $17 – $20 per linear foot) and could take up to three days to complete. However, it is money well spent.
Step 7: To Buy or Not to Buy the Boat
With the boat surveyor’s report in front of you, it’s time to decide if you will be buying the boat or not. You can either accept the vessel, accept the vessel under certain conditions, or reject the vessel.
- Acceptance of Vessel – If you are happy with the boat surveyor’s report, you and your yacht broker will submit the necessary form saying as much. You are accepting the boat as-is and are ready to close the deal and take possession of the boat. Congratulations!
- Conditional Acceptance of Vessel – If some red flags came out of the marine surveyor’s report, you have a chance to bring these to the seller’s attention and negotiate the selling price some more. Your broker will prepare updated contracts stating that you would like to move forward and purchase the boat if the price is adjusted to address marine survey deficiencies. If this new price is accepted, your deposit will become non-refundable.
- Rejection of Vessel – If the marine survey revealed some major flaws with the vessel and something just isn’t feeling right, you can (and should!) back out of the deal altogether by rejecting the vessel. To do so, you will be required to submit paperwork stating as much, and your deposit will be returned to you.
Step 8: Closing the Deal
Once everything is settled and the deal is moving forward, your broker will guide you through the paperwork to ensure the rest of the transaction goes smoothly. Your boat will soon be all yours! Be sure you’re prepared for its arrival by having the following in place:
- Storage Solutions – Plan where your boat will be stored when not in use. Will it be at home in your driveway, high and dry? Or at a marina, yacht club, or your own private dock? Some boaters choose convenience and proximity to home, while others go for the amenities of a marina or yacht club, even if it’s further away.
- Boat Insurance – If you are financing your boat, insurance coverage is a requirement. It needs to be planned for before you close the deal and take possession of the boat.
- Transfer of Ownership – Remember to register or licence your boat. A previously owned yacht is are already registered, so you must transfer its licence number within 90 days. A yacht broker can also assist with this.
Read more about Boating Insurance, Licence, and Registration Requirements
Buying a boat is almost always an exciting process, especially if you have an experienced yacht broker on your side. That’s where Van Isle Marina can help! To further discuss what type of yacht would best fit your needs, and learn more about our yacht buying process, please feel free to contact one of our yacht brokers. Our brokers at Van Isle Marina can give you firsthand information and advice to help you make the best decision when buying a pre-owned yacht or boat.
Sailing Essentials
Important Items to Bring on Your Boat
Packing for a boating trip is not unlike packing for an airplane ride. It begins with creating a list, packing your bags, and then anxiously hoping you haven’t forgotten anything!
If you’re new to boating, use our list below as a starting point, noting that the items you’ll wish to bring will vary based on the length of your trip and the current and forecasted weather conditions.
Looking for a new boat? Check out our current listings for sale.
Here’s a list of items that you absolutely need to have with you every time you’re out on a boat.
Passport & Boating Documents
Make sure your insurance papers, boating license, and registration are all on board, as well as some form of photo ID, particularly your passport if you will be boating internationally. Read about what type of boating licenses are required.
Soft-sided Luggage
Try and get everything into soft-sided luggage like a duffel bag or backpack in order to maximize storage space on board. Hard luggage is more difficult to fit into closets and cabinets.
Smaller Grab-Bag
Items of importance, such as your wallet, cash, keys, passport, prescription meds, credit cards, and phone should all be stored in a small bag that is easy to grab and go in the case of an emergency. Also include in this bag a printed list of emergency contact names and phone numbers, your insurance policy number and number, and doctor names and numbers.
We hope this one goes without saying! Always pack more sunscreen than you ever think you’ll need. Choose non-oil-based sunscreens in order to protect your yacht’s upholstery and wooden finishes as much as possible. Lip balm with SPF and insect repellent are also recommended.
While sunglasses are recommended for passengers, they are essentially a must-have for drivers. The sun can be particularly blinding while boating as the rays reflect off the water. Sunglasses also shield a boat operator’s eyes from splashing water so they can stay focused on the task at hand.
Polaroid sunglasses with UV protection can further reduce the amount of glare coming into your eyes from reflected light, allowing your iris to stay open wider and improving your sight.
Some sailors even swear by having goggles on board for when the weather turns really bad and you need protection from heavy rains but without the shaded lenses.
Ziploc Bags
Ziploc bags or dry bags are great for more than just keeping money and electronics dry during day trips to the beach. You can also use Ziploc bags for dirty or wet clothes, and for sealing opened bags of snacks! Never underestimate all the uses there are for Ziploc bags on any type of trip.
Prescriptions & Seasickness Pills
If you’re prone to seasickness – and many people are no matter how often they go boating – consider packing seasickness or anti-nausea medication. Remember to also bring enough of your prescription medications for longer trips.
First Aid Kit
Always make sure your watertight or waterproof first aid kit is fully stocked before heading out, and includes all the usual suspects such as gauze, bandages, aspirin, antibiotic ointment and gloves. Flares, matches, a water-resistant flashlight and fire extinguishers are also a must.
When you buy a yacht through Van Isle Marina, our yacht brokers will make sure you know about all of the safety gear you are required to have on board.
Speaking of flashlights, bring an additional light on board that is kept separate from the first aid kit. Even better, a headband light for hands-free chart navigation and engine space inspections is extremely handy. Don’t forget to bring extra batteries!
Consider bringing DVDs and CDs with you to enjoy, which are more reliable than streaming services and don’t require special devices that need recharging. By all means, bring your tablet and smartphones too – most yachts will have a charging station or two. Also remember games, playing cards, pens and paper, and a few books and magazines.
Binoculars and cameras can also come in handy; binoculars for birdwatching and cameras for sunsets.
Sailing Knife and Marlinspike
For safety and convenience, consider carrying a knife and marlinspike secured to your belt with a lanyard. The knife is handy for cutting through sailing rope and the marlinspike can help pry open strands of rope for splicing. Folding knives with a three-inch blade and marlinspike work in a pinch, but a straight blade rigging knife and a separate marlinspike in a sheath is better in emergencies.
Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)
Make sure there are enough PFDs for everyone on board, in the appropriate sizes. Inform everyone on board where the PFDs are stowed.
Bring more than one cap or hat on board to protect you from the sun, cold, and rain. Consider a large-brimmed hat for sunny weather, and a breathable, microfiber material cap for nighttime watches to keep you warm.
Spare Clothes
Without overpacking to the extreme, we recommend bringing spare clothing, like a spare pair of shoes and a backup bathing suit. In the event that things get wet (as they happen to do aboard a boat!) and don’t have a chance to dry out, having extra sets will certainly increase your comfort on board.
Rainy Weather Gear
When it rains, you’ll want more than just a hat. For longer boating trips, bring a raincoat, bib-pants, thick socks, and sea boots geared to the conditions in which you’ll be cruising. Whether it’s warm or cold weather, go for modern microfiber synthetic layers, including thermal underwear and a neck warmer for better comfort.
If you’ll be sailing and using sailing lines, gloves are going to be a must to prevent blistered, rope-burned hands. Full-length sailing gloves cover everything except the tips of your fingers and provide the best protection when working sailing sheets, halyards, and anchoring rode.
Personal Locator Beacon
A Personal Locator Beacon or Personal Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) is a small hand-held device that allows you to transmit a distress signal directly to the authorities in case of an emergency. Your yacht comes equipped with an EPIRP, but personal EPIRPs are available as added peace of mind.
Some types of these devices are available with strobe lights, which can greatly assist during man-overboard situations.
Hand-held GPS Unit
A hand-held GPS unit could be handy for anyone acting as backup to the skipper, or for use on shore for day hikes, for example.
Unless you plan on catching your own food every day that you’re on board, make sure your galley is stocked with enough sustenance for the duration of your trip, or enough to get you to the nearest port.
Fishing Tackle
Does your tackle box need a top up?
Items to Leave on Your Boat
Some items only have to be packed onto your boat once, when you first acquire your boat:
- Kitchen supplies like cookware, utensils, cups, plates, bowls etc
- Beach towels and bathing towels
- Cleaning supplies (vacuum cleaner and mop)
- Toiletries
When it comes to packing for a boating trip, we hope the above list helps you determine what is most important to bring. Many of the yachts for sale at Van Isle Marina come with more than enough storage space for you to leave some of these items on board year-round. We also have storage lockers available to further assist with your boating supplies while you moor with us.
Baitcast vs Spincast vs Spinning Reels
Key Differences and Pros / Cons of Each Type of Fishing Reel
In addition to the various types of fishing to choose from, there are also various types of rods and reels to choose from depending on what you’re trying to catch and where you’re trying to catch it. A reel is simply a mechanical device attached to a fishing rod that stores, releases, and collects the fishing line via a rotating arm.
As with the lures vs live bait debate, most fishermen will have a preference for a particular type of reel, depending on the location, targeted species of fish, their budget and their experience level. To learn more about what will work best for your fishing adventures, read on.
What is a Baitcaster Reel?
A baitcaster reel sits on top of the rod so the spool is parallel to the rod. It works well with monofilament, fluorocarbon and braid line types. The line on a baitcaster reel comes off the spool directly in line with the rod while the line of a spinning reel is let off away from the rod.
When you’re baitcasting, the spool moves with the casting of the line, so it requires a more experienced angler to keep things under control. Otherwise, the spool ends up moving faster than your casting line is flying, and the line bunches up into a knotty mess. This is called backlash, or a bird’s nest and can be reduced or prevented with practice. It’s the main reason why baitcaster reels are recommended for advanced fishermen. Although it’s a more advanced type of reel, being able to use multiple types of lures, bait and lines make a huge difference in fishability.
How to Use a Baitcaster Reel
A baitcaster reel is best for strategically dropping your line in a more crowded area, or in a hot spot like a riverbed. Depending on the quality, it’s also powerful enough to be used as an offshore fishing reel. When using a baitcasting reel, the dominant hand holds the rod to cast, and then the angler switches hands to reel in the cast, so the dominant hand controls the reel as well. Experienced anglers will use their thumb to brake and control the line as they are casting to prevent backlash or nesting.
When using a baitcaster reel, you release the line when you press the button. This also immediately drops your bait. To cast, you lock the line with your thumb on the reel. To end your cast, turn the reeling handle (this pops the button back up) or put your thumb back on the spool.
Baitcaster Reel Pros
- Durable
- Lightweight, low-profile
- Can hold heavier line
- Can hold more line
- Stronger drag capabilities
- Can handle heavier and powerful fish
- Can handle heavier fishing lines and lures
- Highly customizable
Baitcaster Reel Cons
- More expensive
- Higher learning curve; requires more experience
- Backlashes (sudden bunching of the line in the spool)
- Can be difficult to switch between left and right orientations
What is a Spincaster Reel?
Spincaster reels are the simplest type to use, making them well-suited for testing the waters. Spincast reels are also a great budget-friendly option for beginning anglers or children.
Spincaster reels have a button that allows you to toggle between locked and free-spool. They also have a drag adjustment on the underside of the reel or beside the reel handle. This drag adjustment mechanism controls how much resistance a fish will feel when it’s on the line.
The mechanisms are all hidden inside a metal or plastic casing, which means any tangles that occur can go unnoticed and become a true mess. It also means that water and debris gets trapped inside, shortening the life of the reel. Because they cost as little as $20 each, this reel type may only last for a season or two.
How to Use a Spincaster Reel
When using a spincaster reel, just press and hold the button to keep the line locked while casting. Once your casting reaches its peak, release the button to release the line. The weight of the lure and your casting position creates the momentum the line needs and the line will fly wherever the tip of your rod is pointing.
Spincaster Reel Pros
- Budget-friendly
- Easier to use
- No backlash (sudden bunching of the line due to a spool moving too quickly)
- Suitable for lightweight lures and lines
- Easier to cast near the shoreline or under overhanging trees with a sidearm cast
- Easy to switch left and right-hand orientations
- Easy to add more line capacity with an additional reel
- Great for in shore fishing
Spincaster Reel Cons
- Bulkier reel
- Not as strong or durable
- Line can tangle, twist or tear (the dreaded wind knots)
- Less drag ability (refers to how much resistance a fish feels when it pulls on the line. The tighter the drag is set, the more resistance the fish feels)
- No distance control
- Not designed to last multiple seasons
What are Spinning Reels?
Not to be confused with spincaster reels, spinning reels are preferred by anglers all over the world but are still easy enough for beginners to use. Unlike the spincaster reels, spinning reels are designed with an open face and a metal bail to prevent the line from nesting. The reel is mounted on the bottom of the rod for better balance when casting and the drag adjustment is located on top of the reel. A high-quality ultralight spinning reel will have you fishing like a pro in no time.
How to Use a Spinning Reel
A spinning reel and rod allows for a lot more control than a basic spincaster reel and rod. To unlock the line, you disengage the metal bail and hold the line with your index finger. This will prevent unspooling and tangling before you’ve even started to cast.
Then, when you’re casting, release your index finger and let the line go once you reach the top of your cast. To prevent unspooling, move the bail back to the starting position by turning the crank once you’re done your cast.
Spinning Reel Pros
- Higher quality
- Reel position at the bottom of the rod creates better balance
- More control over casting distance and speed
- More control over drag
- Ideal for placing in a rod holder (set and forget)
- Lower cost than a baitcaster reel
- Easy to switch between right-handed and left-handed use (the crank arm can be moved to either side)
- Can be used with light lures and bait
- Suited for multiple habitats
Spinning Reel Cons
- Doesn’t perform as well or cast as far with heavier lures
- The bail must be handled properly to prevent tangles
- A more expensive reel, starting at $50+
- Not meant for reeling in larger fish like salmon or halibut
At the end of the day, deciding between a baitcaster vs spincaster vs spinning reels will depend on your specific situation and ability as well as what you’re trying to catch.
For more information on any of these different fishing reel types and their uses, we recommend chatting with other fishermen, including us here at Van Isle Marina or the clerks at the tackle shops. There are also many helpful videos and infographics online to help you get started.
Looking for a new boat or yacht to start casting lines from? Van Isle Marina has a wide range of yachts for sale moored at our docks. Take a look at our selection online or come and see us in person. We are located at 2320 Harbour Road in Sidney, British Columbia near Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal.
15 Things to Do in Sidney BC
Wondering What To Do While You’re Visiting Sidney?
Many boating enthusiasts who come to the Pacific Northwest from far and wide to take in the area’s stunning scenery make a point of stopping in Sidney by the Sea – a seaside community in British Columbia, Canada.
Sidney is located at the northern end of the Saanich Peninsula on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. The small town is where we here at Van Isle Marina call home.
Sometimes referred to as the gateway to Vancouver Island, Sidney is home to around 11,500 residents and is a popular tourist destination,
especially during the spring and summer months. It also happens to be the only Canadian port-of-call in the Washington State Ferries system, with ferries running from Sidney to the San Juan Islands and Anacortes. Sidney is also just minutes away from the Victoria International Airport and Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal.
If you are planning a trip to Vancouver Island, our friendly Van Isle Marina staff recommend checking out the following attractions in Sidney, BC.
Waterfront Walkway
After you’ve experienced Sidney’s waterfront from your yacht, Sidney’s waterfront walkway is the next best way to fully experience the town’s beautiful shoreline. Along the 3.6-km walkway, you’ll find Beacon Park and the start of the Sidney Seaside Sculpture Walk that ambles south towards the Sidney International Ferry Terminal. On this self-guided tour, stop to take pictures of the public art and sculptures, such as the Board Dog, Eye of the Ocean, and Double Spinner.
Sidney Pier
Along the waterfront walkway in Sidney, you’ll also happen upon the town’s iconic fisherman’s pier where you will be able to grab a bite to eat or visit the fish market. Why not stay a while, cast a line, and see if anything bites? The pier in Sidney is also a popular spot for crab fishing.
Sidney is an excellent place to stock up on books for your boat! With its five independent bookstores, Sidney is known as Canada’s only “Booktown”. Each of Sidney’s independently owned bookshops has a unique identity and focal point, with experts behind the counter who have put together special collections of thousands of titles to choose from.
Lochside Trail
Sidney is conveniently located on the Lochside Trail a 29-kilometre multi-use path that connects the Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal to Victoria, where it connects with the Galloping Goose Trail. A great way to experience the Lochside Trail is to rent a bike in Sidney to head out on this trail that was formerly a railway line. You’ll zip past beaches and farmland, while exploring the suburban countryside.
BC Aviation Museum
For aviation enthusiasts, the British Columbia Aviation Museum is open seven days a week and features several aircraft and artifacts related to the history of aviation in Canada, with an emphasis on BC aviation history. The museum displays restored aircraft, engines, and pictures, photos and videos in addition to memorials of key figures of aviation history.
Sidney Museum
The Sidney Museum features 8,000 artifacts and regularly updated permanent displays on local First Nations, industry, transportation, agriculture, and social history. Displays include a vintage kitchen, a vintage storefront, a rustic barn and a hands-on schoolhouse. In addition to its permanent exhibits, the Sidney Museum also features temporary exhibits. A schedule can be found on their website.
Wines, Beers & Ciders
In and around Sidney, there are numerous vineyards and distillers around to help quench your thirst, including Victoria Distillers’ new waterfront distillery in Sidney, the Sea Cider Far & Cider House in Saanichton, the Roost Vineyard Bistro in North Saanichton, and Deep Cove Winery, also in North Saanichton.
Roberts Bay
Enjoy an afternoon of hiking and birdwatching at Robert’s Bay and the Shoal Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary. You can birdwatch from your boat, or moor with us at Van Isle Marina and walk over to explore the area on foot. Other nearby sites include Island View Beach and Horth Hill Regional Park.
Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea Aquarium
The Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea on Sidney’s waterfront is a world-class, hands-on aquarium featuring 160 species of marine life, a marine mammal artifact exhibit, and a Coast Salish art collection. It’s a great attraction for kids and adults alike with an events calendar that includes everything from children’s activities to informative lectures and workshops about the Salish Sea.
Downtown Shopping
Be sure to leave time to explore all of downtown Sidney, where there are plenty of boutique shops featuring the work of local artisans and crafters. Enjoy an afternoon of strolling through each shop for some truly unique finds. Sidney shops offer something for everyone, whether you’re looking for special artwork for your boat, gifts for your loved ones, or functional items for your home.
Sidney Street Market
The Sidney Street Market has been going strong since 1999! If you’re lucky enough to be in Sidney on a Thursday evening between June and August, be sure to make your way downtown and stock up on fresh ingredients and local crafts from Island vendors.
Sidney Spit
Sidney Spit, located on the north end of Sidney Island, is part of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve. The area features stunning sandy beaches, wooded trails, and a host of birds and wildlife. There are campsites, dock spaces, and mooring buoys for overnight stays. Get there in your powerboat or kayak, or use the walk-on ferry service that provides access to the Island from May to September.
Sidney Whale Watching
The calm waters near Sidney make the region an excellent place for whale watching. Watch from the privacy of your own boat, or book through Sidney Whale Watching.
BC Boat Show & Other Annual Events
Sidney hosts a wide range of annual events throughout the year, including the 2019 BC Boat Show in May, where members of the Van Isle Marina team will be offering tours of our boats. Check Sidney’s featured events calendar to see what else will be happening in town during your trip.
Van Isle Marina & Sea Glass Waterfront Grill
As a bonus item on our list of Things to Do in Sidney, BC, we thought we might as well include ourselves! Take a walk on our docks and check out all the boats we have moored here. While you’re here, we hope you also check out the Sea Glass Waterfront Grill, which serves up contemporary west coast dining.
The boating experts here at Van Isle Marina are very familiar with Sidney, and we would love to answer any questions you might have about the town itself, and how to navigate to nearby communities and attractions, whether by car or boat. We look forward to welcoming you to our docks and the quaint seaside region we call home.