Learn more about our news and special events, both here at the marina or out and about on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.

Bow and Stern Anchoring Best Practices

How to Set Two Anchors

Knowing a variety of stern and bow tying and anchoring techniques is essential for any boater’s toolkit. Here on the West Coast of Canada, we have such a wide variety of anchorages. Knowing which anchoring technique to use will come in handy many times over and bow and stern anchoring is one of the best since it’s so versatile.

When to Use Bow & Stern Anchoring

  • Anchoring in small bays
  • For mooring, if required
  • Anchoring at the narrow edge of channels
  • Anchoring in busy areas
  • Anchoring in soft ground
  • Anchoring amid shifting currents and tides
  • Anchoring right over a great fishing spot
  • Anchoring in a storm situation
  • Anchoring at an angle that protects your boat from rolling waves


For best results when using a bow and stern anchoring technique, make sure you get plenty of practice in sheltered waters. This way, you can deploy and retrieve both anchors and cruise away in just a few simple steps. At the same time, brush up on your knot tying skills with our guide to 9 easy knots for boating.

On the West Coast of BC, we’re so lucky to have our pick of spectacular anchorages all the way around the Vancouver Island. For areas with high winds and strong currents, like Cape Scott through to Quatsino Sound, we highly recommend using the bow and stern anchoring technique. This is also an excellent technique for a calmer but tight anchorage like Telegraph Harbour, just off Chemainus. Dual anchoring techniques can also make it possible for you to sail or cruise to areas you’d only dreamed of. In fact, having a boat and knowing how to best operate it is like having a pass to some of the most exclusive and secluded destinations.

Prepare your Primary and Secondary Anchors and Lines

Find a calm space away from other traffic on the water and get your stern anchor and lines ready, making sure knots are securely tied.

  1. Attach a buoy and trip line using a hitch knot or anchor knot (optional) to your stern anchor’s trip line hole. A trip line and buoy allow other boaters to clearly see that you have an anchor out.
  2. Load the anchor and line into your dinghy, making sure your line is tied securely to the boat or through a fairlead and winch if you have them.

Anchors Aweigh

  1. Facing the wind, set your primary anchor.
  2. Slowly back away, paying out extra line.
  3. Next, you or the skipper will board the dinghy and get the stern anchor ready. Refresh your knowledge on dinghy and tender safety.
  4. Drop the stern anchor behind the boat on either the port or starboard side. You’ll want to angle your boat at 15 degrees off the windward swell (on a diagonal).
  5. Drop the stern anchor from the dinghy with a scope of minimum 5:1. This means you’ll want to anchor at 5 feet for every 1 foot of water depth.
  • If you’re anchoring overnight, aim for at least a 7:1 scope. To increase length, you can add chain to the lines. Add at least 20 feet of anchor chain for best results, especially in strong winds. If there isn’t enough room to let out as much rope as you need for a good scope, you can also use a kellet for extra weight. The kellet should be placed on the mid-line of the rope. This will help to keep your anchor rode nice and horizontal in the water, keeping the boat in position.
  1. Take in the slack for the stern anchor and set it.
  2. Moving back to your primary anchor, adjust the scope as needed, making sure to pay out enough line for the secondary anchor. When you’re done, both the bow and stern anchors should be tight.

Retrieving your Anchors

  1. When you’re ready to keep moving, make sure your engines are ready and willing.
  2. Create some slack in your stern anchor line.
  • If you used a tripping line and buoy, take the dinghy out to haul up the anchor. If you didn’t use a buoy and tripping line, give the bow line slack. Then move the boat back to the stern anchor drop point. Haul the anchor just like you would for your primary anchor.
  1. Bring your stern anchor and rode onto the boat and stow them safely.
  2. Secure the dinghy
  3. Haul in your primary anchor as you normally would and head out!

The stern and bow anchor technique takes some finesse. Be sure to practice it regularly to keep your skills sharp for when you want to anchor in a small bay or inlet. Also always make sure that you have the right anchor and ground tackle for the size of the boat and wind conditions. This is known as holding power.

For instance, a 25 foot yacht in winds of 30 knots would require holding power of 490. If this boat were using an anchor made for lighter wind conditions and a smaller boat, you’d run the risk of damaging your equipment and losing the anchor.

Our team at Van Isle Marina know that your boat is your baby, so if you have any questions or concerns about the right anchor for your yacht, check out our two-part series on anchors and anchoring or contact us for help.

Part One- Types of Anchors

Part Two- Anchoring Your Boat

Are you looking for the perfect boat to make this summer unforgettable? Come and see us at Van Isle Marina where we have a fantastic selection to choose from, plus a large (and growing!) selection of luxury Pursuit Boats. Fully loaded with everything to make lifelong memories on the water, Pursuit Boats are made in the USA and built with world-class features and amenities. Browse our new and used boat listings, then contact our expert yacht broker, to find your new boat today.

De-Winterizing Your Boat Checklist

Spring Maintenance Checklist for Your Boat


Spring is here and you’re more than ready to get back out on the water. There are a few key things you’re going to need to take care of first though, to make sure that your boat is ready for the inaugural trip. Not only will properly de-winterizing your boat ensure that everything’s in good working order, it will help extend the life of the boat.

If your boat has been in dry storage for the winter, it’s a good idea to check your trailer first. This 10-minute check will let you move your boat back to the water with confidence. Most importantly, check the renewal date for your boating and fishing / crabbing licenses and make sure any required decals are easily visible.


To safely transport your boat back to the water, the trailer and tires need to be road-ready.

  • Check trailer tires for pressure, any cracking, or inadequate tread. Replace tires if they’re older than 3-5 years.
  • Check tongue latch and coupling
  • Check trailer brake fluid level
  • Check trailer lights and replace as needed
  • Test the rollers
  • Check the padding where the hull rests

Anchors, Lines and Ropes

All mooring and anchoring equipment should be clean and ready to go. It’s always a good idea to purchase new line before the start of the season.

  • Check that you have enough rope to launch and tie your boat
  • Check that you have enough rope to secure your boat in at least two areas
  • Check all knots for anchors and hardware
  • Check for any damaged or tangled line or rope
  • Make sure any bumpers are in the boat

Belts, Cables and Hoses

Check for wear and tear and consult a boat mechanic if you have any concerns.

  • Check for cracks and brittle areas
  • Check for wear on belts
  • Check the outer layer of control cables. Any cracking or swelling can be signs of a problem


As boaters, we rely heavily on electrical equipment for a safe and comfortable experience. Go through each of the electrical components on your boat to make sure everything’s in good working order.

  • Check all connections for corrosion and cleanliness
  • Remove battery terminals, clean connections with wire brush
  • Check the battery is charged. Replace if needed
  • Test the generator on full tilt
  • Check interior and exterior lights
  • Check navigational equipment (GPS)
  • Check electrical box
  • Check HVAC or air conditioner on hot and cold

Engine and Fuel System

The heart of your boat, you won’t get very far without the engine! We recommend a regular inspection by a trained boat technician, ideally at the start and end of the boating season.

  • Check transom mounts (outboard)
  • Check for any smoke
  • Check transmission
  • Check levers on every seacock
  • Check raw water intake and strainer
  • Inspect connections, hoses and tanks for damage or leaks
  • Replace spark plugs and other components as needed
  • Check that all clamps and fittings are tight
  • Check that exhaust, engine and ventilation systems are working well

Fluid Levels

Topped-up fluids will keep your engine and steering column going strong. Replace any expired fluids and top up everything else as needed.

  • Check coolant
  • Check engine oil
  • Check power steering fluid
  • Check power trim reservoirs
  • Check coolant levels
  • Change engine oil, filter and drive lubricants as needed

Hull and Exterior

The key to prolonging the life of your boat, the hull should be kept clean and waxed, with any damage taken care of right away.

  • Check hull for blisters, distortions and cracks
  • Clean the hull, deck and topsides
  • Check that the drain plug is secure *Put a backup drain plug somewhere safe on board
  • Check for cracks or damage around fittings
  • Check for damage on or around the hatches
  • Check upholstery for any mold / mildew / tears
  • Check the livewells


The living space and head are a cozy place to crash at the end of a busy day of fishing and water sports. Take a few minutes to check lighting, appliances and water, to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

  • Check for water pressure and quality
  • Check for damage to doors and portholes
  • Check lights and switches
  • Check for leaks in fridge
  • Check temperature in fridge / freezer
  • Test the appliances
  • Check lights and switches
  • Check TV, speakers and any other extras


A damaged propeller can’t work as efficiently as an undamaged one. If you see any marks or chips / dings that are concerning, talk to a pro about repair or replacement.

  • Check propellers for any damage
  • Make sure propeller is secure and replace bearings if needed

Safety Equipment and Gear

Up-to-date safety equipment is a huge part of any vessel. We recommend booking a safety inspection by the Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons (CPS-ECP) if available.

  • Check the flares
  • Check marine radio
  • Check condition of heaving line and lifebuoy(s)
  • Check condition of first aid kit
  • Check life jackets and replace any expired jackets
  • Check the fire extinguishers. Replace if expired
  • Check carbon monoxide and smoke detectors. Replace batteries

Water System

For washing up and drinking, clean water is essential.

  • If you added antifreeze, flush it out now
  • Empty the grey and black tanks
  • Refill the fresh-water tank

Clean the Boat

Give your boat a good spring clean to get it off to the best possible start this season.

  • Clean the hull, scrubbing away any rusty spots or fuel drips
  • Scrub any areas where mold may have started over the winter
  • Clean the carpets and vacuum any debris
  • Wash the windows
  • Disinfect hard and soft surfaces using a gentle spray solution
  • Spray a fabric protector on any vinyl to block harsh UV light

At Van Isle Marina, we offer moorage with annual, monthly and guest options. Conveniently located in sunny Sidney, BC on the Haro Strait, we’re just a quick cruise away from a variety of fantastic destinations. With amenities like storage lockers, car parking, and a full-service marine fueling station and dock store, you’ll find everything you could need to start and end your trip. Are you as excited for the summer boating season as we are? Come down and see us, or request services/moorage information by calling (250) 656-1138 or via email.

Boating with Whales and Other Marine Mammals

Know the Rules and Regulations for Orcas and other Aquatic Mammals

You’re spending the day out in the sunshine on your yacht, fishing, barbecuing and generally having a great time. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot an orca breaching. That’s one of the many perks of boat ownership — the chance to see these majestic marine mammals up close.

It’s awe-inspiring and you can’t help but want to get closer to the action.

Here on the west coast, a wildlife sighting is a natural part of life, and there’s a real temptation to get as close as possible to breaching whales and curious seal pups, but how close is too close?

Rules for Approaching Wildlife on the Water

For a positive, memorable experience it’s so important to  know the safety regulations for boating near whales and other wildlife. Chances are you’ll have noticed these posters at your local marina or wharf.

Produced by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, this message is meant to educate commercial and recreational boaters on the importance of keeping your distance from any signs of a whale. Unsure about the rules or regulations, or what to do when you see a whale warning flag? In this post, we cover the key points of what to do when you see whales or other marine mammals.


Species you can expect to see are grey, humpback, minke, fin and orca. Grey whales are by far the most often sighted throughout BC’s waters, while humpbacks are the largest around, at an average of nearly 80,000 lbs.

Native and transient whales can be spotted all over the coast from Sooke to Prince Rupert, with sightings from as early as March all the way through late September, depending on the migration season. For complete details on migration seasons and regions, look at our past post on whale watching on Vancouver Island.

How Close Can You Get to a Whale?

  • Boats must stay 400 metres from orcas in all southern BC waters between Campbell River and north of Ucluelet
  • Boats must stay 200 metres from all orcas in other Canadian Pacific waters and from all whales, dolphins or porpoises if they are resting or with a calf.
  • Boats must stay 100 metres from all species of whales, dolphins and porpoises in Canadian Pacific waters.
  • Boats must stay out of Interim Sanctuary Zones – Saturna Island, Swiftsure Bank and Pender Island.

Resident whale species in BC waters need to be given minimum approach distances of at least 400 metres of space. According to Whale Wise, “the Southern Resident orcas are listed as endangered in both Canada and the United States. Only 75 orcas remain as of February 2021.”

What are the Noise Requirements for Whale Watching?

Under Canada’s Marine Mammal Regulations, it’s required for all vessel operators to turn off echo sounders and fish finders and turn engines to neutral idle (when safe) when within 400 metres of a whale. Slow down to less than 7 knots when within 1000 metres of a whale.

Dolphins and Porpoises

Dolphins and porpoises are playful animals and love to ride in the bow wave of boats. If you notice these mammals riding your bow wave, stay on course and do not change your path. If you do need to change course, reduce your speed gradually until they lose interest and then adjust your path. When possible, also give these animals a wide berth, turn off your echo sounder and gradually decrease speed.

Seals, Sea Lions and Otters

Sea lions and seals gather on rocky islets, so it’s important to reduce speed as you pass to minimize wake, wash and noise levels. Many seals are curious and may come up to your boat, but shouldn’t be touched or fed. It’s important to note that if an animal seems agitated or ready to dive into the water, you’re probably too close.

Be aware of kelp beds as well. These beds form huge underwater forests and this is where otters spend much of their time. To prevent otter pups from floating away, pups are often kept bundled up in layers of seaweed while the mother forages for food on the sea floor. Giant kelp beds are also feeding grounds for grey whales. For these reasons, boats should always be carefully maneuvered around these kelp forests.

There are plenty of stories about seals and otters relaxing on wharfs or even exploring the decks of boats. These animals have gotten very used to people but should still be treated as wild animals. If you encounter an extra passenger on your boat, just give it some distance and wait calmly until it decides to dive back into the water.

When Around Wild Marine Mammals, Do Not:

  • Feed or touch them
  • Dive, interact or swim with them
  • Fish within 1,000 metres
  • Encircle them or try to get them to move
  • Change directions quickly or block their path
  • Approach a resting whale, which is floating at or just below the surface.
  • Separate a whale, calf or dolphin from its pod
  • Trap a whale or a pod between your boat and the shore, or between other boats.
  • Approach when there are several boats already around
  • Approach head-on or from behind. They will be unable to continue along their path
  • Mark them or tag them in any way
  • Allow your dog to enter the water or bark at the animal. If your pet is anxious, it’s best to crate him/her in an area where they can no longer see the animal.

Ready to become your own whale-watching guide? Whether you dream of a 25’ centre console model for day-tripping or a cruiser designed for longer getaways, we’ve got the right fit for you. At Van Isle Marina, our expert team can match you up with the perfect Pursuit boat for whatever adventures you envision. Be sure to ask us about the OS 355 Offshore and OS 325 Offshore models. Brand new to our sales dock, these feature-packed luxury cruisers are ready for anything. Come down and visit us in sunny Sidney, BC, or contact us by phone or email to get started on the search for your shiny new boat.

Dual Console Vs. Center Console Boats

How to Choose Between a Center Console Boat and Dual Console Boat

Whether to choose a center console layout or dual console layout is a common decision when purchasing a new boat.  The console design you’re going to be happiest with is ultimately going to be the one that suits what you want to get out of your boat.

Maybe you’re an avid fisherperson who is willing to trade a middle aisle and more seating for a larger helm with more space for custom electronics. Maybe you need a boat with seating and lounging zones to really entertain with class. There’s a lot to consider when it comes to choosing which type of powerboat and which type of console will be best for the type of adventures you want to have.

If you’re unsure about which length of boat to go for, read this article: What Length Boat is Right for Me?

What Is a Center Console Boat?

A center console has a single console that contains the helm, the Captain’s chair and usually one or more passenger seats. The amount of seating inside the center console will depend on the model and size of boat you buy.

Generally, a center console boat is designed for the more serious anglers who need to be able to move around the perimeter of the boat in a hurry. There’s no center aisle, so you can keep hold of the whopping halibut. You also get more raised deck space and work area with a center console boat, which many anglers prefer.

A smaller center console boat under 20 feet long will usually have up to two seats for the skipper/captain/whatever term you prefer to go by, while a larger boat 20 feet and longer might be built with a whole bench seat and entertainment area, complete with grill, sink, storage and more.

A center console is a bit like that pickup truck that you’d use to go hunting but wouldn’t necessarily take into the city. Just like that Supercab or Crew Cab with heated seats, moon roof, and LED screen. Today’s center console models have also evolved to include a whole host of luxury features as well. They’re no longer just bare-bones utilitarian models meant for angling and not much else, but that’s what single consoles were designed for and what they excel at.

What Is a Dual Console Boat?

A dual console boat has two consoles. One houses the helm and the other is for passengers who want to get out of the elements without going into the cabin. This gives the driver his or her own space to do their thing in the cockpit, while passengers have their own separate area to hang out.

The dual consoles create a walking path. This lets boaters easily access the bow and stern seating areas without needing to go all the way around the boat. This layout also means more options for dry storage. With more room for storage of food, supplies and other gear, it’s easier to enjoy longer trips.

With more seating and more storage, as well as two covered areas for passenger and driver, a dual console is ideal for family fun on the water.  

Going with the vehicle analogy once again, a dual console is like the luxury minivan or SUV of the boat world – they’re loaded with features! You’ve got your multiple rows of seating, screens for the kiddies, tons of integrated storage, keyless access, and the cool sliding door that opens with a tap of your foot. Here, comfort is the highest priority, even though you might load it up with camping gear or drive it to your favourite hiking spot.

What Are the Pros of a Center Console Boat?

  • Usually, a larger helm panel with more room for additional electronics and devices
  • More deck space for baiting tackle and working with your catch
  • Fewer obstructions along the rails make it more convenient for anglers
  • Ideal for watersports
  • Driver can have more privacy at the wheel

What Are the Pros of a Dual Console Boat?

  • Typically larger than center console
  • More entertainment and lounging spaces, like forward seating and convertible transom seating
  • More dry storage space
  • Best for leisure and group boating
  • Offers greater weather and spray protection with a wraparound windshield
  • Hardtop can cover the width of the boat to provide shade
  • Passengers can remain on deck and away from the elements in second console

What Are the Cons of a Center Console Boat?

  • Less weather protection
  • There’s more deck space but less storage
  • Tend to be smaller than dual console models
  • Helm is usually smaller on a center console model
  • Canopied console may not do as well in inclement weather

What Are the Cons of a Dual Console Boat?

  • Deck space is usually sacrificed for extra seating
  • Can move from bow to stern using the walkway, but can’t move around the perimeter
  • Less room to stow rods and gear under the gunwales
  • Less convenient for fishing

When Choosing Between Center or Dual Console, Think Pursuit Boats

After reading this, you probably have a good idea of whether a center or a dual console boat will fit your lifestyle the best. You can also read our blog post on choosing the right yacht for your needs.

The next step is to see the difference for yourself by viewing our range of watercraft in person! Seeing and touring the boats you’re most interested in will help you narrow your choices down.

At Van Isle Marina, we are the proud and exclusive dealer of Pursuit Boats right here on BC’s West Coast. We offer a spectacular collection of dual and single console vessels, designed to match your fishing, entertaining and cruising goals to a T. From the 26’ long C260 center console to the 37’ 11” D365 dual console model, there’s something to suit all needs. Made in the USA with the highest quality and dependability. One of these feature-packed Pursuits will be exactly right for you and whoever you love to spend time with on the water.

Ready to take the plunge? Contact our ultra-experienced yacht broker at Van Isle Marina. Located in beautiful Sidney, BC, we offer a wide range of luxurious new and used yachts and boats in addition to the complete line of Pursuit models. Call or email today to find the perfect fit for your boating needs.

Boat Maintenance Checklist

Use this Handy Checklist for Boats/Yachts Before Getting Back on the Water

Boat maintenance checklist - PDF

Boat maintenance is a key part of keeping your boat cruising smoothly for optimal enjoyment, safety and resale value. At Van Isle Marina, we know there’s a lot to think about when it comes to maintaining your boat. This is why we’ve created this handy cheat sheet for the care and keeping of your boat.

It’s a good idea to go through this boat maintenance checklist at the end of the season. This will give you plenty of time to schedule the required boat repairs and maintenance during the low season.

Completing all the maintenance needed for your vessel will make it easy to be out on the water as soon as the cruising season begins.

Boat Mechanics

To ensure a smooth trip, take the time to inspect the engine and all its parts. Replace items as needed to ensure your boat is in good working order.

  • Check the engine and operating temperature
  • Check propeller for any damage
  • Test steering for any leaks
  • Check transom mount (if using an outboard)
  • Check fuel lines for weak points or leaks
  • Do an oil change
  • Check spark plugs
  • Check fluid levels
  • Check gearcase for water
  • Check belts, cables and hoses
  • Lubricate fittings (where required)

Boat’s Electrical Systems

Because your boat experiences a lot of vibration and hull flex, it’s important to properly troubleshoot and maintain electrical components.

  • Check battery charge level
  • Check battery connections and cables
  • Look for any acid leaks around terminals and clean as needed
  • Replace battery if needed
  • Check and/or replace interior and exterior lighting and wiring

Hull of the Boat

As the watertight part of the boat, the hull maintains the structural integrity of the boat, protecting the cabin, cargo, engines and all other components. That’s why hull maintenance is crucial.

  • Check for any signs of leaks
  • Check for cracks or stressed areas
  • Check thru-hulls for rust
  • Check stringers
  • Wash with a pH balanced soap
  • Wax or paint hull

Boat’s Electronics

Not to be confused with electrical systems, the onboard electronics of the boat let you navigate and communicate effectively.

  • Check wiring for any corrosion
  • Check voltage levels
  • Update firmware to latest version

Boat’s HVAC System

Ready access to water as well as reliable heating and air conditioning are essential to an enjoyable trip out on your boat.

  • Check and refill water tank
  • Check the drain for clogs
  • Check for condensate in pan under evaporator
  • Clean air filters and raw water strainer
  • Reverse cycle the system to make sure heating is available
  • Check the water pump impeller and condenser coil for any build-up

Upholstery and Canvas on Board

Seasonal maintenance is needed to preserve and extend the life of the on-board upholstery and covers.

  • Check for mould and mildew – clean as needed with vinegar solution
  • Remove and wash canvas
  • Check for waterproofing – reapply waterproofing spray if needed

Safety Equipment on Board your Boat

Ensure your safety equipment is in good working condition and within the expiry date. Replace anything that has expired or is in poor condition.

  • Check flare(s)
  • Check fire extinguisher
  • Inspect lifejackets for tears or missing parts
  • Inspect and restock first aid kit
  • Check flashlight and batteries
  • Check and refill spare gas can
  • Check EPIRB (Emergency Positioning Indicating Radio Beacon)
  • Check tender for damage
  • Check paddles and outboard motor on tender

Click here to download our boat maintenance checklist as a PDF.

Getting ready to get back out on the water this spring? Come and see us first. At Van Isle Marina, we’re a one-stop shop for all your cruising needs, from oils and additives to charts and tackle. We offer a great marine fuel discount program for recreational and commercial vessels. Enjoy full-service assistance with dock lines and fueling from our marine gas station team. We’re open 8 :00 AM – 4:00 PM daily (winter) and 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM daily (summer) and we look forward to seeing you in beautiful Sidney, BC. Contact us anytime for a service request for moorage, haul out, dry land storage and more.

How to Make the Most of Virtual Boat Shows

Explore All the Options and Products from the Comfort of Your Own Home


In 2021, Canadian Boat Shows are going virtual in response to efforts to get Covid-19 under control. Vendors, brokers and presenters have had to get creative in this new online space, but they’re taking the challenge and filling their sails. As more virtual boat shows launch, the online platform could reach larger audiences than ever before. If you’ve always dreamed of attending an international boat show in Europe, now’s your chance.

Obviously, the experience is different from attending a boat show in person, but there’s nothing to say that you can’t still take advantage of an online showcase. In fact, it opens an opportunity to “visit” boat shows all around the world from the comfort of your own home. Whether you are brand new to yachting or already an experienced yachter, the new online format will have a plethora of online boating knowledge, tips and tricks for you to take advantage of.

Today’s boat shows feature live or pre-recorded interviews with brokers and builders, a detailed video walkthrough via Zoom, virtual boat tours or presentations to a registered audience and other exclusive features available to registrants. If you have a few boats in mind that you haven’t been able to see in person yet, give the virtual boat show a try! The one-on-one format could be one of the most relaxed, unscripted ways to “tour” a boat.

Tips for the Best Virtual Boat Show Experience

  • Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can talk and listen without being interrupted
  • Know the platform you’re using and test your audio / video before the show starts
  • Have a list of products and accessories you’re interested in and would like to learn more about
  • If you have a particular model or type of boat(s) in mind, this gives you the ability to do your own research and really get down to the nitty gritty with the builders and brokers. Rather than focusing on brochure basics, you’ll be able to really narrow down which model suits what you want in a boat.
  • Keep a set of questions on hand, for when you have an opportunity to ask fellow boaters or industry professionals. It’s easy to forget in the moment. You can also email the presenters afterwards.
  • During walkthroughs, take advantage of the chat bar to ask questions as the broker leads the “tour”
  • Take note of anything you notice that you’d want to upgrade or add, or anything you have a specific question about, like how the ventilation is in the cabin, how is the access to the engine room, etc.… all those things that you can only experience while on board.
  • Learn how to take screen shots with the device you’ll be using so you can save shots of specific angles and aspects of the layout, etc.… This way you can look back on it later.

The First Virtual Boat Shows

Palm Beach, FL started the trend with their first virtual show ever in May 2020. Next up, was the 2021 Virtual Toronto International Boat Show as Canada’s first-ever virtual boat show. These have prompted other regions and even different manufacturers and builders to follow suit.

Up next is the 59th annual Vancouver boat show. Vancouver’s virtual boat show is being presented Feb 24-27 with free registration. It offers the chance to explore virtual exhibitor spaces without the hassle of crowds. Schedule a meeting, join a live chat, email your questions, and browse the products. Also, enjoy exclusive live content, live Q&A sessions with industry pros, and attend online workshops and seminars to learn all about the newest advances in the boating world. To register and receive more information, visit Vancouverboatshow.ca

Boatinternational.com is hosting an ongoing virtual boat show, complete with vendor map, spotlight on the latest and greatest yachts, exclusive announcements, and videos detailing the hottest new boats from bow to stern.  Boating enthusiasts can also take part in live discussions, interviews and events hosted by Boat International journalists.

Sail Magazine has also jumped on board, with their digital boat show. With new vendors added daily, the show is growing continuously. Learn about product information, watch boat testing and watch web exclusive videos like Reaching Reality – a Sailing Docuseries. While not as interactive as the Vancouver Boat Show and Boat International’s Virtual Boat Show, there’s a wealth of information here.

A Boating Boom

With most people sticking to their family bubbles, boating has become a prime option for enjoying a holiday away from home. Gone is the option to go to Mexico or any other warm Caribbean destination. Instead, Canadian boaters and outdoor enthusiasts are embracing what’s available in our own back yard. Here on the West Coast, we have an endless array of islands and islets and calm, scenic channels. Our coast is also home to world-class diving and serious salt and freshwater fishing.

It’s not just happening here on Vancouver Island either. According to a recent Global News article, demand for a new boat is up across the country.

Some stats from The Toronto Show:

  •  80% of exhibitors experienced a significant increase in enquiries/sales from new boaters and first-time buyers
  • Half of all exhibitors saw an increase in inquiries/sales from customers under the age of 40
  • 40% of exhibitors estimated an overall sales increase by 15% – 25%
  • Pontoons, bowriders, and personal watercraft like Sea-Doos and WaveRunners were some of the top-selling categories in 2020

If you want to be on the water this summer, don’t hesitate. At Van Isle Marina, we are happy to connect in person for a tour of our top-of-the-line Pursuit Boats. We also have a wide variety of previously loved yachts and cruisers, ideal for everything from a quick cruise to a weeks-long adventure. Come down and visit us at our world-class sales dock or get in touch with our brokers by phone or email. We look forward to helping make your boating dreams a reality!

How to Name a Boat – Several Excellent Boat Naming Ideas

Boat Names – How Do You Choose?

Boat naming has been around for thousands of years, started when sailors named their vessels after deities and saints in the hopes of good fortune and smooth sailing. Names were chosen very carefully since the wrong name meant the difference between a safe voyage or being lost at sea.

=> If you’re looking for a new or pre-owned yacht, check out our current listings: Yachts for sale.

There are so many names to choose from and so many directions you could take. Maybe you have a favourite song, a wicked sense of humour, love puns, or simply want to go traditional and pay a tribute to your beloved. There are a few things to keep in mind, which we’ll go through below, to help make naming your boat fun and painless.

According to seafaring legends, it’s bad luck to rename a boat or to give a boat a name that begins with O.  Also, boat naming is steeped in lore and whether you believe it or not, you’re probably better off not tempting fate by naming your boat something tragic like Titanic or Unsinkable. Check out some other common boating superstitions. No matter if you’re superstitious or just a stickler for tradition, you’ll want to create a name that really sticks and that you won’t have to change later.

Before you can move on to picking a name and christening your beauty, there are a few more practical things to keep in mind:

  1. The name should be two/ three words max. No room for a sonnet here.
  2. The name should be short enough to fit on the transom and still be easy to read.
  3. The name should be easy to communicate over the VHF radio. Marine radio etiquette includes saying the name three times, so this is particularly important. Read more about VHF etiquette.
  4. The name can’t be anything that might be used to ask for help on the water (i.e. Man Overboard.)
  5. The name shouldn’t use racist, sexist, or profane language. Keep it classy.
  6. If it’s something you’d be embarrassed to say over the radio (like any of these) you won’t want it to be your primary identity at the wharf or out on the water.

Ready to create your list of potential names? Take your time and consider, most of all, what fits your boat, your values and your lifestyle. After all, when you’re on the water, your boat’s name becomes your name, so you’ll want to choose wisely. Here are some basic guidelines for how to choose the perfect moniker:

  1. How big is the boat/yacht?
  2. What type of boat do you have? Sailing yacht, powerboat, wooden boat, or sleek and modern are all suited to very different types of names. If you want to use a prefix, make sure it matches the type of boat. (For example, SS actually stands for Steam Ship.)
  3. What is your boat’s personality? If you’ve spent a fair amount of time aboard, you’ll probably have noticed that she has her own quirks.
  4. What mood do you want the name to convey? Some options include names that suggest relaxation, fun, adventure, romance, or a good pun to make others chuckle.
  5. Do you have a favourite animal?
  6. What is your profession or hobby?
  7. Are there any songs, movies or other pop culture references that you love?
  8. Do you want a traditional swashbuckling-type name? There are some great ones here.
  9. Do you like the sound of foreign names (for instance, La Belle Vita—The Beautiful Life)
  10. Lastly, what name makes you smile whenever you say it? That will more than likely be the name for your vessel!

Stuck for ideas? Try this fun Boat Name Generator from Linger and Lock. You can select preferences like “I like puns” or “it’s a big boat” to help narrow down the choices even further. Here are some randomly chosen boat names to get your imagination cruising:

  • Otter
  • Pelican
  • Sea Breeze
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Vagabond
  • Bitter End
  • Odyssey
  • Pegasus
  • Adagio (slow tempo)
  • Kids Inheritance
  • Knot on Call
  • Sea Ya
  • Midlife Crisis

Before you settle on a name, make sure that no other Canadian vessel shares this name. Use this searchable database here. You can use a different spelling for your favourite name as well, if you find your choice is already spoken for.

In keeping with tradition, you might want to christen your boat once you’ve chosen a name. This dates to ancient Greek times when Grecians wore wreaths of olive branches on their heads and drank fine wine to honour the gods. In the Middle Ages, two friars would board the boat and bless it before its maiden voyage. Essentially, this type of ceremony is meant to invoke protection of the gods and keep the men safe during long and perilous journeys. You can read more about the historical significance of christening a boat.

Gather up some friends, a bottle of something sparkly (champagne is the top choice) to drink, a branch of greens and a pre-scored bottle of wine to break on the boat. Keep the bottle in a bag to keep broken glass from falling into the water/onto your boat.

You’ll want to have your boat ready to go at the dock for a short maiden voyage after the celebration. Read a short poem, say a few words about the boat, and toast to many happy adventures. The pre-scored bottle will be broken over the bow of the boat. Aim to break the bottle over the metal rails to prevent any damage to the body of the boat.

For all your nautical needs, Van Isle Marina is the place to be. Located in beautiful Sidney, BC, we are Western Canada’s yachting experts and an exclusive authorized dealer of luxury Pursuit boats. Whether you’re looking for pre-owned, brand new, a basic sailing boat or a large motor yacht, our team of professional brokers can find the perfect boat for you. We offer extensive, fully serviced moorage and a world-class sales dock. Come on down or contact us today to get started on your next big adventure.

Types of Powerboats

28 Motorboat Types – from Aft-Cabin to Walkaround

If you’ve been browsing our listings for new and used boats, you likely have questions about sizes, styles, makes and models. Because the powerboat market is constantly changing, many categories of powerboats can share characteristics with another type of boat or yacht.

As Western Canada’s yachting experts, we can help make sense of it all.

Whether you need a new dinghy/tender for your yacht, are looking for your very first boat, or would like to upgrade from a cruiser to a luxury model by Pursuit, read on to choose the right boat for your needs.

Powerboat Types

Aft-Cabin: The aft-cabin boat has a stateroom on the stern of the boat. This type of boat has a ladder or stairs to access the cockpit as well as the helm. It is also a flybridge but there is a stateroom located on the stern of the boat.  The inboard engine is centrally located, generally underneath the living room floor.

Bass Boat: Primarily used for fishing on lakes and rivers, this a type of boat with a flat deck, low freeboard and a shallow draft.

Bay Boat: The Bay Boat has a low-freeboard centre console and is designed for use near shore and around coastal waters.

Bowrider: A Bowrider is a powerboat with seating in the bow area with room for eight or more people. The v-shaped hull creates a smooth ride inland or in coastal waters.

Cabin Cruiser: Any motorboat with sleeping accommodations within can be called a cabin cruiser. These are perfect for relaxed cruises and have many modern amenities like heaters and air conditioners. Ideal for coastal waters, cabin cruisers have a deep v-shaped hull and a secure drive shaft mechanism.

Catamaran: With dual hulls, a catamaran is more stable than other types of power boats, but it’s also much pricier. Catamarans are a crossover powerboat, with sails as well as engines.


Center Console: A powerboat with the steering station in the centre of the boat. These crafts generally have an outboard motor and are perfect for ocean cruising with larger waves.

Convertible: A larger sized boat with a flybridge built on top of the cabin and an open cockpit aft. These are favoured for weekend cruising.

Cuddy Cabin: A powerboat with a relatively small, no frills cabin on its bow section. Good as a weekender for cruising the coast.

Deck Boat: This has a flat, open deck plan and no accommodations below decks. Most deck boats are box shaped, creating more forward deck space.

Dinghy: Using small outboard motors, a dinghy or tender can be inflatable or hard-sided. They’re used for transporting people and their belongings to and from shore.

Dual Console: A boat with twin dashboards, separated by a walk-through that accesses a forward cockpit or seating area.

Express Boat: A sleek boat with a steering station on deck level, no flybridge, and a cabin that is forward and lower than the helm.

Fishing Boat:  Easily maneuverable, most fishing boats usually have a front bow, features like rod holders, live well compartments and trolling motors.

Flats Boat: This is a skiff used for fishing in shallow-water areas.

Flybridge:  Boat with a helm above the interior cabin that is accessed by stairs or a ladder. This provides more vision while navigating the boat and adds more living space underneath.

Houseboat: Built on a barge-like hull, a houseboat acts as a floating RV. Also known as float houses, houseboats can be bare bones or loaded with luxurious extras and are ideal for entertaining and enjoying water sports. Some can be used for cruising, while others are moored in place.

Jon Boat: Usually made of aluminum, a Jon boat is a small utilitarian boat with a flat bottom.

Megayacht: A yacht exceeding 200 feet and reaching up to 500 feet, megayachts are custom-made and accessible to only the wealthiest in the world. Featuring luxuries like large swimming pools, heliport, 3 or more guest rooms and room for a full crew of around 30 people, megayachts are decadent floating resorts.

Pontoon Boat: Built on two or more aluminum pontoons, a pontoon boat has a flat deck and a perimeter fence and is most often used for tour groups.

Rigid Inflatable Boat: Also known as RIBs, a Rigid Inflatable Boat is an inflatable boat built around a rigid hull made of fiberglass or aluminum.

Sedan Bridge:  In a Sedan Bridge, the cockpit is almost at the same level as the boat’s aft deck. This means that there’s no need to climb stairs or a ladder to reach the cockpit. The Sedan Bridge and Sport Bridge are similar in that they both offer easy access to the cockpit.

Skiff: Skiffs have a flat bottom and pointed bow, making them ideal for navigating shallow water. In many different sizes and lengths, skiffs are easy to operate with a basic steering console.

Superyacht: A superyacht is a yacht that is over 100 feet but less than 200 feet long. With multiple accommodations and multiple decks, a living room, galley and lounges, it’s meant for hosting many guests and enjoying fun in the sun out on the water.

Skylounge: A Flybridge with an enclosed cockpit, the Skylounge offers exceptional comfort for the captain and people accompanying the captain. With air conditioning, a sofa, a full bar, tv and many other amenities, the cockpit is fully protected from the elements.


Trawler: A long-distance recreational vessel that resembles commercial trawlers, this boat is ruggedwith a displacement hull and efficient engine(s). Made for long-haul cruising with minimal horsepower and fuel consumption, trawlers have all modern facilities on board for optimal comfort.

PWC (Personal Watercraft): PWC boats, also known as water scooters and jet skis, are designed for fun and adventure. Sit down models are meant for two or more people, while stand up models are meant for one rider.

Walkaround: Built with side decks around the cabin, a walkaround boat lets passengers easily walk around the cabin and up to the foredeck.


At Van Isle Marina, our team of certified brokers specialize in matching skippers like you with their perfect boat. If we don’t have it in stock, we will search the world over to locate it. To get started on your search, browse our boats and yachts for sale, call us, or visit our world-class sales dock at 2320 Harbour Rd in Sidney, BC.

The Benefits of an Outboard Engine

Today’s Outboard Motors Aren’t What You Might Expect—They’re Even Better

When shopping for a new boat, you’re going to need the right engine to make your time on the water as carefree as possible. While you might automatically think that an inboard will be quieter and more powerful, you might be surprised to know that today’s outboard motors are extremely convenient. They’re designed to be quieter, more fuel efficient and more flexible than the loud, gas-guzzling 2/3 stroke engines of the past. While idling at the dock, you might even forget that your 4 stroke gas outboards are still running.


Adding one, two, or even a triple threat of outboards to your boat lets yachts over 25 feet power through even the toughest ocean currents while maintaining a top speed. Depending on what you’ll use your new boat for, the pros of an outboard engine might just make you reconsider an inboard engine package on your next pleasure craft or fishing vessel.

“There’s been a shift in the market … that has seen a lot of customers move into the outboard-style product primarily because of its performance, ease of maintenance and all the other great things that outboards give you.”- David Glenn, director of marketing at S2 Yachts.

Some Key Benefits of Outboard Motors

Lower Initial Investment


Outboard engines generally cost less up front and the newer engines are made to last anywhere from 2,500-3,000 hours. That’s a lot of time spent enjoying your boat! For what’s most often a lower upfront sticker price, this can be a huge pro for many boaters who might want to spend more on on-board features and upgrades (there are plenty of customized and upgrade options on our Pursuit Boats including the option to upgrade to Yamaha outboards with Digital Electronic Controls (DEC.))

Better Versatility

This is a huge selling point for many of our customers, since the ability to lift motors up allows boats to squeeze into shallower spots and be able to move easily from ocean to rivers and lakes and back again. Being able to reduce your draft (the depth of the boat’s keel in the water) lets you enjoy a wider variety of waterways without worrying about getting stuck in the shallows.

One of the biggest advantages of lifting the engine out of the water when not in use, it keeps sensitive parts, including the propeller in good working condition by not being constantly immersed in salt water.

More Room on Board

Outboard motors are mounted on the transom. Without the real estate needed for an inboard and all its components, you can enjoy quite a bit of extra space on the transom. This means additional bench seating, more space to clean your catch, more room for water sports equipment and greater overall real estate on deck. The majority of our Pursuit models come equipped with folding transom seats with integrated storage and Pursuit’s patented backrest for comfort and convenience.

Easier Access for Maintenance

It needs to be said that outboard motors do need just as much maintenance as inboards since they have similar components like pumps and water-cooling systems. They require filter and fluid changes just like inboards do, there are fuel lines, tanks and many other components that need to be kept up to par. The big difference here is that outboard motors are freely accessible and you can always see the engines. If you have multiple outboards mounted, your maintenance time and costs will increase since each individual engine needs to be looked after, but generally, outboards tend to be lower maintenance.

More Efficient Power

The newer outboard motors are extremely powerful with better fuel economy, faster performance and more efficient power. Compared with in-board propulsion systems, using multiple outboard engines creates more speed due to the positive power to weight ratio.

Modern Technology

With today’s modern outboards, the skipper can sit comfortably at the helm and control all the outboards using Digital Electronic Controls, joystick steering, autopilot, even automatic trim. Cruising with outboards on a single console, double console or offshore model is every bit as relaxed as cruising with the same (or better!) performance you’d find with an inboard model.


Since 1977, Pursuit Boats have been designed and manufactured with extreme pride and care in the USA. Hand laminated hulls, one of the quietest cabins on the market and luxurious extras like custom fabrics and solid wood accents are just a few of the yacht-calibre features of these vessels.

With fifteen different boats across four categories ranging in size from 23 to 42 feet, you can choose from Offshore, Centre Console, Dual Console and Sport models, all powered by dependable Yamaha outboards. Each Pursuit model comes with attractive warranties, such as:

  • Ultra-premium gelcoat backed by a five-year hull blister warranty
  • Transferable five-year hull and deck structural warranty; and
  • Transferable two-year component warranty.


Looking to upgrade to more power and impressive technology to make the most of your next adventure? At Van Isle Marina, we’re pleased to be the exclusive Western Canada dealer for Pursuit Boats and we want to match you up with your dream yacht. From cruiser to megayacht, contact us or visit our world-class sales dock at 2320 Harbour Rd in beautiful Sidney, BC today.

How Far Can Yachts Travel?

Pairing the Length of Your Trip with the Right Yacht

Cruising the world is a dream for many, and there’s no better way to do it than in your own yacht. When it comes to the question of how far yachts can travel, there’s no one set answer for this. There are so many different types of yachts, all designed for travel ranging from open ocean exploration to island hopping.

Really, there’s no limit to how far or how long a yacht can travel, if it’s suited to the trip you have in mind. The success of your trip will depend on how well your goals mesh with the category of yacht. It will also depend on whether you’re captaining a sailing or motor yacht, how often you need to stop to refuel or restock supplies and what forms of auxiliary power are used aboard. Whether your goal is to yacht around the world or explore the coastline closer to home, there is a yacht designed for the voyage you envision.

To Determine How Far a Yacht Will Be Able to Travel, Ask:

  • Is it a sailing yacht or motor yacht?
  • What type of yacht?
  • How large is the yacht?
  • How large is the fuel tank?

Sailing Yacht

A sailing yacht will take you anywhere you want to go. With a capable skipper, a seaworthy, well-maintained yacht and the right sailing conditions, you can see the whole world.  A fully stocked, seaworthy 30-foot sailing yacht will sail about 100 nautical miles in a day, and she can continue up to 90 days without needing to stop. Given the right wind conditions, a sailing yacht in good shape can sail around the clock at a steady pace of about 5 knots per hour. A longer yacht with a larger hull will have a faster average speed and cover more distance than a smaller vessel.

Motorized Yacht

It gets more complicated with motorized yachts since they rely heavily on a fuel source. If your parameters are how far a motorized yacht can go on a single tank of gas, this depends on the size of the boat and the fuel tank.

The general rule is the bigger the vessel, the larger the fuel tank. For instance, a 75-foot motorized vessel that can carry 11,000 litres of fuel can travel about 1500 nautical miles, depending on conditions, whereas a 35-45 foot motorized yacht with a 100-litre tank can travel about 400 nautical miles.

However, a larger fuel tank doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get that much further, since a larger boat would typically weigh more, have a larger crew, have more items contained inside and have more equipment—just to name a few variables.

Follow These Steps to Determine How Far Your Yacht Will be Able to Travel on A Single Tank of Fuel:

  • Clean your yacht, make sure that everything is working correctly. A maintained yacht will have better fuel economy.
  • Refuel your boat and always log engine hours as well as the times when you stop and start. This will narrow down how fast you go through fuel.
  • Measure in litres or gallons per hour rather than relying on your fuel gauge, which doesn’t always account for conditions on the water.

What Type of Auxiliary Power Sources Does the Yacht Have?

Other than the fuel tank, yachts can run on wind, sun, and water power, options that can power amenities on board the yacht and push it that much further on its voyage in between fuelings. Options for alternative power sources include:

  • Solar generators – Solar panels charge the boat’s batteries and hold a charge for when backup power is used. Some solar panels on the market today are so thin and flexible that they can be fixed onto or incorporated right into the sails
  • Wind generators – Not just for sailing yachts, wind generators harness the power of the wind to charge the yacht’s batteries
  • Hydro generators – Like upside down wind generators, hydro (water) generators are fixed to the transom and can be used to run systems on board, ranging from lights to water heaters
  • Outboard motors – Useful on smaller vessels, outboard motors can be used as a backup if the on-board engine should ever experience technical problems

Categories of Yachts

There are four main categories of yachts. It’s important to know which category your yacht falls into in order to plan and prepare for your trip.

Category A

Also known as Explorer or Expedition Yachts, Category A yachts are crewed and designed for open ocean. They have a large hull that can handle waves up to 23 feet high. These yachts can also handle extraordinarily strong winds, up to 47 knots.

Category B

These yachts are also worthy of the wider seas but are not capable of crossing oceans and are less capable of strong winds and rough water. They can handle waves up to 13 feet high.

Category C

Used inshore, Category C yachts are ideal for larger bays and lakes. They can handle waves up to about 7 feet high.

Category D

Great for sheltered areas like lakes, protected harbours and rivers, these are vessels meant for day trips. Category D yachts can travel in areas with waves reaching under 4 feet high.

At Van Isle Marina, we have many new and used yachts suited to whatever trip you desire – from a week spent cruising just off the coast of Vancouver Island, to a full tour of the Atlantic Ocean. We are also the exclusive West Coast dealers of Pursuit Boats. Contact our team of experienced brokers today or come and view our world-class sales dock in Sidney, BC to find the boat that’s right for you.